Page 27 of Denial

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"Speaking of touching, I should be touching a doughnut right now."

While listening to them, I've finished off my plate. Jeremiah takes it from me as Ezekiel holds out the paper bag. I grin and rub my hands together and he shakes his head and laughs. I take the doughnut out, covered in powdered sugar, and take a bite. It's so light and fluffy, I finish the whole thing before saying a single word.

"I demand you tell me where you got that from."

Ezekiel smiles. "I'll show you next time you come here."

Ezekiel blinks a few times, as if his own words surprise him as much as they do me. Especially after what I heard last night. Maybe I wasn't the only one up all night, stuck in my own head. Maybe I'm not the only one going against my own rules and having no idea why. I like the thought of that far too much.

"I'll hold you to that," I say.

I finish off my doughnut and juice and, after a promise of many pictures to come today from Jeremiah, we say our goodbyes and I'm driving home. I blast music just to keep myself from questioning every little thing. It gets a hell of a lot easier though once I'm with Sophie and Charlotte. And little Shawn, our newest lunch buddy these days. He's also about to be the reason the woman a few tables over gets her teeth knocked out.

"You tell that lady if she gives us the stink eye one more time, she's gonna need plastic surgery to fix her face," I sing song to Shawn, then give the woman I'm talking about an arched brow.

"Lexa." Charlotte chuckles.

"What? I hate when people act like they've never been around kids a day in their lives. Wow, the baby is crying in a restaurant. Who would have thought babies ever did that?"

"She's getting on my nerves too," Sophie admits. "But I'm trying to tell myself I don't want my son visiting me in prison because I've been found guilty of assault."

I laugh. "Your mug shot would be the cutest. And Law would pay off a judge or two to get you out."

She smiles wickedly. "He would."

"Of course." I grin. "How else can he knock you up with baby number two?"

That has her smile dropping. "We will not talk such blasphemy when my labor and delivery is still so vivid in my mind."

"And especially not when I'm sitting here pregnant and scared as hell to go into labor," Charlotte adds.

"You had a freaking kidney transplant," I point out. "How much worse could it be?"

"Well, I had lots and lots of painkillers after surgery. Not exactly gonna be the same after a baby."

"Fine." I huff. "If we can't talk about that, then how about beginning to plan your baby shower?"

"Or..." Charlotte arches a brow. "We can talk about what you were doing this morning that had you missing all my calls and walking into this restaurant with a big old smile."

My eyes widen and Sophie and Charlotte laugh with each other.

"I told you she was with some guy," Sophie says. "The question is though, did you have a morning booty call, or did you do the unfathomable and stay the night?"

I debate if I should tell them. Anyone else and I already would be, but with Jeremiah and Ezekiel, I know they'll think it's deeper than it is.

It is.I ignore the whisper in my mind and decide to tell them. Maybe they'll say something that will help me get my head on correct when it comes to them.

"I was with them last night, and yes, I spent the night."

"Them?" Sophie exclaims at the same time that Charlotte damn near chokes on her drink to shout, "Spent the night?"

"I want every single detail," Charlotte adds.

I bite down on my bottom lip and Sophie's eyes narrow. "Was it Jer and Zek?"

My lips curve up into a smile and I nod. They give a cheer that has everyone in the restaurant looking at us. Well, and the lady glaring at us. I roll my eyes at her before looking away.

"Wait, wait. Was this the first time?" Sophie asks.
