Page 75 of Denial

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"Did you two...did you..." she sputters.

He laughs. "Don't ask me any questions you don't truly want the answers to. Just know she's getting her hair and make-up fixed right now, and that technically it's your fault for bringing me to see her."

Sophie looks appalled but I chuckle. "So, you're going with the you couldn't resist defense?"


I chuckle and say, "We're ready to start so you two had better not done too much damage."

"Yeah, I just saw the officiant. He told me to let you know next Sunday is open, whatever that means."

I nod and Sophie and I continue walking.

"Open for what?" she asks.

"He, uh…was telling me he does commitment ceremonies when I spoke with him earlier. So, I asked him if he had an openings any time soon."

She stops, grabbing my forearm so I'm forced to come to a halt as well. "As in, for you, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel?"

"I don't even know if they want one, or feel the need for any type of ceremony, so tame all the excitement I see bubbling in your eyes."

She gives me an exasperated expression." If you want it, it'll become a need for them. That's how it is with all our guys. We say one word about it, and they make it happen. "

"That I have very much noticed. They are planning a complete bathroom remodel just because I said I like clawfoot tubs."

"See? So, you might as well book him. Charlotte and Jackson will just be coming back from their honeymoon and it gives both your moms time to get a dress and everything."

"And me?" I chuckle. "I might want a dress, too?"

"Which is why yours truly would be calling around to make sure you are shown the nicest dresses in town."

"Ah, those rich-people-benefits kicking in."

She barks out a laugh. "I use them when I can."

We reach Charlotte's room and I tell Sophie not to mention anything about it to her. Much like me possibly being pregnant, I don't want any news to take away from her day.

Charlotte is, indeed, getting her make-up and hair touched up when we come into the room. We begin quietly giggling, trying to hold it in when she commands us not to say a word. She is radiating with much more confidence when she stands, however, so whatever Jackson said, or did, worked.

Sophie walks down the aisle with Law, one of her hands in the crook of his arm while his other arm holds Shawn tight to him. Then, Ezekiel and Jeremiah are on each side of me, both extending an arm for me to take. I put my hands on their arms and we begin walking down the aisle as well, keeping pace with the slow song playing. Then, Charlotte appears, her soft pink dress flowing along the grass as she walks towards Jackson. He watches her like she’s a moving work of art, and then they’re standing across from each other, the setting sun casting them in the most beautiful colors. Once again, the vows are lost on me because I can't stop thinking of what words I would say to Ezekiel and Jeremiah, and them to me. What scenery would I want as I promised them forever, and could I make it all happen in a week?

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," the officiant announces.

The small number of guests applaud as Jackson's hands come to Charlotte's cheeks, raised with her smile, cupping them as he brings his lips to hers.

The outdoor reception under tents with soft lighting is a blur with, thankfully, only two hiccups, and then Charlotte and Jackson get in a private jet to go to Italy. Ezekiel and Jeremiah watch me like hawks as I go through the last of my duties for the wedding. But once Heather has told me for the third time that everything is taken care of, they all but force me out the door...and drive us straight to the pharmacy. I don't think I've ever seen someone walk in and out so quickly. The grin on Jeremiah's face as he shakes the bag while coming back to the car makes Ezekiel and I burst into fits of laughter.

"Are you both mocking my excitement?" he asks as he gets back into the passenger seat.

"Yes, but I'm also a little worried by it," I admit. "I might not be pregnant, and this is all for nothing."

"It wouldn't be because it's clearly shown all of us that we want a child." Ezekiel points out.

"Is it strange?" I ask, chuckling. "For us to even be considering a baby so soon?"

"Who cares what anyone else thinks?" Jeremiah questions.

Of course, Ezekiel states it much harsher. "Fuck what anyone else thinks."
