Page 74 of Denial

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"I'm...late," I slowly say.

Jeremiah's brows furrow. "Don't we still have like half an hour?"

"No woman ever says I'm late in that tone unless she means her period dumbass," Ezekiel states.

Jeremiah begins to scowl at Ezekiel, but then it must hit him what we're both trying to actually say.

He blurts out, "You're pregnant?"

I clamp my hand over his mouth as my eyes dart to Law and Sophie. When it appears they haven't heard him, I turn my gaze to Jeremiah.

"Sorry," he mumbles against my fingers.

"I don't know if I am. I only know I'm late. And none of us will be saying a single word because it would take attention off Charlotte and Jackson."

"But we will be getting a test before we go back to our room," Ezekiel tells me as I finally release Jeremiah's mouth.

Of course, he presses a kiss to my fingers as I'm taking them away. I nod at Ezekiel, then swallow before asking them the very same question running through my mind.

"What...what do you want the test to say?"

Jeremiah is first to speak, even though he begins with a question of his own. "Do you really even need to ask? I want it to say yes."

I turn my gaze to Ezekiel and he gives me a puzzled expression, his brows scrunching up. "I want it to say hell yes."

I chuckle, tension releasing. "I don't think they've made tests yet that say hell yes or hell no."

"More importantly, though," Jeremiah begins. "What do you want it to say?"

"I wasn't sure actually, but then I realized how badly I wanted you guys to want it to say yes, so I think my answer is right there. We just...we never really talked about all of that beyond saying we all wanted kids in the future. I'm barely moved into your house, I already have ten events booked for the next twelve months, and you guys are opening another gym. Throw a baby in, and we have a hell of a lot going on all of the sudden."

"Then, I guess it's a good thing we'll have three people doing all of that instead of two." Jeremiah grins. "But, uh...Let's focus more on the part I've heard about from Law and Jackson. Pregnancy hormones."

I laugh and when I slap his arm, he grabs my wrist and pulls me into him. His hands go to my cheeks to tilt my face up. Ezekiel comes behind me, arms wrapping around my waist, cocooning me between them, where I always feel right, safe, and loved.

"If you're pregnant, we will figure all of it out," Ezekiel says softly in my ear.

"I know we will."

"And if you're not pregnant, I say we’re ready for that," Jeremiah adds.

I narrow my eyes, even as I smile, and ask, "Did you get me between the two of you just so I'd be more likely to agree?"

"Is it working?" He grins.

"You know it is. Only because I'm thinking of all the positions you and Ezekiel could have me in while coming in me."

Ezekiel bites on my earlobe and I shiver against them as he whispers, "You know how you talking like that turns me on. Don't think I'm above fucking you in a bridesmaid dress, Lexa."

"The officiant is ready," Heather states through my earpiece.

"Whoops," I chirp as I slide from between them. "Duty calls."

I give them a finger wave as I walk towards Sophie. When I reach her, I tell her it's time to head back to Charlotte's room. Pressing on my earpiece, I open my mouth to instruct Heather to find Jackson and tell him it’s time to begin the ceremony, but he comes towards us at that exact moment. His smile stretches from ear to ear.

"Is my sister thoroughly convinced she's the most beautiful bride to ever exist?" Sophie asks.

"Oh, she's without a single doubt now." He smirks.
