Page 12 of Overtime

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“We’re going to the diner?”

All eyes turn toward the newcomer, Alex Fossoway, as he invades our circle. His girlfriend, Bekah, is beside him. He hangs out with Rob and Mike, but I’ve never spoken two words to him before because we don’t really have any of the same classes. I guess he’s only here tonight because Bekah is in choir.

“Yep. That’s the plan,” Mike answers. “Anyone else we should invite?”

Alex seems to think it over while he and Jeremy appear to exchange some sort of silent conversation. “I don’t think so. This seems to be everyone.”

This whole night is so weird. First, another mystery bouquet. Now, this?

Jeremy’s a drummer. Alex, Mike, and Rob are all football players. Yet they seem as if they’re age-old friends. It’s a strange mix, but somehow, this little group seems to just…fit together.

Everyone except me, that is.

“Well, I should go and find my family. Have a great night!”

No sooner do I think I’ve expertly planned my escape than Mike tightens his arm around me.

“Why don’t you come with us?”

I have a long list of very valid reasons why I shouldn’t go with them, including embarrassing myself in front of my crush, hyperventilating at being in the same proximity as he is, and last—but not least—the fact that he is zero percent interested in me and would probably laugh his ass off if he knew about my feelings for him.

“Oh, that’s okay. I’m sure Mama, Papou, and YiaYia are waiting for me. I’m just gonna go home.”

Alex attempts to choke back a laugh but fails miserably. “What the hell did you just say?”

“I’m gonna go home?”

“No, the other part. Your mom and who are waiting for you?” His arrogant smile slides off his face when Rob punches his arm.

My cheeks heat up. Oh, here we go. I’ve heard all the Greek jokes I can possibly take in my lifetime. I definitely don’t need another round.

“Um, Papou and YiaYia means grandpa and grandma in Greek. And…I’m sure they’re all waiting for me. So, I better go find them before they leave without me.”

“If, um, you’re worried about getting home, I can give you a ride.”

My heart stops beating. Pretty sure Rob Falls just killed me with that softly spoken offer. I must be dreaming. This isn’t real.

“Uh…” I genuinely have no words for this moment.

“Come on, Evie. We’ll go find your family and tell them you’re coming with me. I’ll grab Chelsie. Then we’ll meet everyone at the diner. Sound good?” Mike’s smile is so full of hope that I don’t have the heart to disappoint him. He rarely asks me for anything.

Even though I hate feeling like a third wheel with him and his girlfriend, it at least lets me off the hook for being alone in a car with Rob. I seriously would not know what to do with myself in such an intimate setting with him. I might do something really crazy and just maul him. He’s so darn beautiful.

“All right. It’s settled then. See you all there.” Jeremy steers Alyssa away, wearing a disturbing smile.

Alex nods toward me, bearing the same shit-eating grin Jeremy had. “Nice flowers, Eva.”

Then he and his girlfriend disappear, too.

Alex Fossoway knows my name?

I blink at the bouquet still clutched in my arm. I’d honestly forgotten all about it in the presence of the guy who clearly didn’t give it to me.

* * *

I’ve never foundmyself sandwiched between two football players before. It’s both an exciting and disconcerting experience. I’ve also never been to this particular restaurant before. It’s awfully crowded for a Thursday night. There are eight in our group, but we’re shoved into a booth for six.

The diner is quaint and kitschy. It’s not like the retro diners with lots of chrome and ’50s styling that I’ve seen on television. Instead, it’s a mix of pretty much everything having to do with the area, but the main focus seems to be on sports. The posters that cover the walls range from the high school football team to NFL teams. It’s old but clean. The booths are red leather—cracked in places—but still comfortable. The Formica table tops are lined with ads from all sorts of local businesses, from the chocolate shop to the grocery store. It’s cute and homey. Fantastic smells of fried food waft into the dining room from the kitchen, and the little older lady who showed us to our table was absolutely charming. She chatted away with the guys like she already knows them well.

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