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Character Interview

Memory Eternal

We're sitting down with the crew from First and Goal and Second Down to get answers to all your burning questions that weren't covered in the books! Here with us today are Evie, her friends Jess and Alyssa; Rob, his friends Mike, Alex, and Jeremy; and Mike's girlfriend, Chelsie.

Question #1: What advice would you give to HS teenagers today?

Rob:I'd say just be yourself. If people don't like you for who you are, then that's their problem, not yours.

Evie:Agreed. Pretending to be someone you're not is exhausting. There are much better things to spend energy on.

Alex:Like sex. I'd say have as much sex as possible.

Mike: I would say not to listen to anything Alex says.

Chelsie:I second that. That's terrible advice, you idiot!

Jess: Third. My advice would be to have fun. We're young. There will be plenty of time for work when we're our parents' ages.

Alyssa:Always be prepared for anything. If you want to be treated like an adult, then you have to act like one.

Jeremy:Yeah. Kind of in line with that, make a plan, but always have a back-up in case things don't work out the way you want.

Question #2: What are you especially proud of about your life?

Alex: All the amazing sex I have.

Mike:Will you shut up, already?

Jeremy: I'm proud of getting a full scholarship to Oberlin College to study music.

Alyssa:I'm proud of him for that. For me, I'd have to say getting a scholarship to Oberlin for fine arts.

Jess:I'm proud of all the new shoes Evie's had to buy me this year.

Evie: Yeah, yeah. Um, I dunno. I guess I'm proud to have such awesome friends?

Rob: I'm proud to have such an amazing girlfriend.

Question #3: How do you feel about your life right now?

Jess: Excited. I can't wait to go to college and see what's in store for the future!

Alyssa: I agree. It's an exciting time. I'll miss IHS, but it's time to move on and fly the nest.

Jeremy:I'd have to say content. All our plans are falling into place, so that's a good feeling.

Alex: I'm gonna go with excited, too. Fall at State is going to be awesome. Lots of new fish in the pond, if you know what I'm sayin'.

Mike:Everyone freaking knows what you're saying. For me, I'd say a little sad. I'm really going to miss my mom and sisters. State's only two hours away from home, but it won't be the same not getting to talk to them every day.

Chelsie:I'm nervous. College is a big change. Everyone says it's really hard.

Evie:I'm honestly a bit nervous, too. Excited, but nervous.

Rob:Yeah, I think it's a mix of emotions. We've had some good times at IHS. I'm sure we'll have more at State, but there's no doubt everything's about to change.

Question #4: What's your biggest pet peeve?
