Page 121 of Overtime

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Alex: PMS. It should be banned. Girls get all bitchy, but if you call them out, they blame it on their hormones, but if WE blame it on their hormones, they slap us. No one wins. Everyone loses. No more PMS! Alex for President!

Rob:You are such a dumbass, sometimes. You know that, right? My biggest pet peeve is stupidity. Seriously, man? You can't outlaw biology!

Mike: I'd vote for you, bro. My biggest pet peeve is irresponsibility. I hate it when someone makes a bad choice, then expects help or for someone else to save them.

Jeremy:My biggest pet peeve is people who have huge egos, but nothing to back that up with. Take trumpet players for instance. HUGE egos. They act like they make the band. Please. Everyone knows the drums keep the beat.

Chelsie:My biggest pet peeve is people who chew too loud. Like, for real. Close your mouth. You're not a cow chewing cud.

Jess:My biggest pet peeve is having to break in new shoes. Who has time for blisters while the leather softens?

Alyssa: Hmm. I can't think of anything, honestly. I try not to judge people. I guess I don't like it when I have an image in my head that I just can't get out, no matter which media I use.

Evie: I'd have to say fake people are my biggest pet peeve. If you don't like me, that's fine. We don't have to be friends. I'd rather you spit in my face than smile at me while preparing to stab me in the back.

Question #5: This question is for Evie. Does Rob have any annoying quirks?

Evie: Oh, yeah. He eats like an animal. The guy always acts like he's starving.

Question #6: This one's for Rob. What's your favorite thing about Evie?

Rob:Her smartass mouth. She never holds back or pulls her punches. If she wants to say something, she says it. Most of the time.

Question #7: What are your football jersey numbers, for the guys who play?

Rob:I'm 11.

Alex: 18.

Mike: My jersey number is 36. I doubt we'll have the same numbers at State, though.

Question #8: Here's another one for the guys. Describe your perfect date.

Alex: The usual dinner, movie, then take her back to my place for sex all night long. That never happens since the rents usually barge home with my brothers at some point, but it's my ideal scenario.

Rob:Of course it is. Uh...I always wanted to take Evie to the symphony since she loves music so much. Then a nice dinner after. We haven't had enough time to do anything like that, though. I gotta step up my game over the summer before training camp.

Mike:Yeah, free time is usually the biggest problem. Between work, practices, and school, Chelsie and I are lucky to catch a movie every once in a while. I'd like to take her to a weekend country music festival. That'd be awesome.

Question #9: This one is for the girls. If you had an entire day to spend with your guys, what would you want to do?

Alyssa: Paint each other. No, literally. I always wanted to just get naked and cover each other with colors. Maybe roll around on some large canvasses and see what happens. I think that would make beautiful art.

Jess:Wow. I don't know. I think spending the whole day with just one person would be boring. So, maybe break it up a bit? Go shopping at the mall during the afternoon, then hit up a party later that night?

Chelsie:Netflix binge under a blanket fort.

Evie:Ooh, that's a good one! Don't laugh, but mine would be to read. Rob and I are always on the go, and I'd really like a day to just relax and be lazy. We like to read a lot of the same stuff, so I think it would be cool if we could get into the same book and read it together.

Question #10: Where do you see yourselves after college? Say, in five years?

Alex:Making bank in the NFL. I want to be drafted in no higher than the fifth round.

Mike:Hopefully, with a degree. Maybe starting a family.

Jeremy: I'd like to have a sweet gig with an orchestra or symphony. Ideally in a big city like New York.

Rob:It's anyone guess, really. No one knows what the future holds.
