Page 135 of Overtime

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“That’s what she said,” Alex coughs out between chuckles.

Evie rolls her eyes. She doesn’t deny it though. “Anyway, you three need to keep it down out here. Robbie’s sleeping in his bassinet in the living room. So help me God, if you wake him up, I’ll kill you all.”

She steps back inside. Not a second later, they’re both gaping at me.

“She wasn’t even mad about what you said,” Mike whispers in awe.

“She didn’t deny anything!” Alex hisses.

It didn’t escape my notice that Alex also did not deny eating cheap pussy as my wife put it.

“Why should she? All that stuff I just fucked with you about?” I lean forward and stage whisper. “It is totally natural. Just like your morning shits, morning wood, and nasty tasting semen. They’re growing your babies. All you had to do was enjoy an orgasm. They have to do all the heavy lifting. Get your shit together, man up, and realize that as fucking terrified as you are, they have it way worse.”

Alex closes his eyes. He sighs so deeply that his chest moves with the effort. “I know.”

“I’m never asking you for advice again,” Mike mutters.

“Yes, you will.” I pull the Scotch out of his hand and take a swig. The smoky heat travels all the way to my stomach. So smooth. It almost feels as good as it does to be the king of this trio for a change. “Because I’m the only one who’s happily married and is the father of a thriving baby. You don’t trust any of your teammates as much as you trust me.”

Alex grabs the glass out of my hand and returns it to Mike. “Yeah, and you can’t afford to fuck it up now over some stupid Scotch.”

There’s the Alex I know and love. He might not be ready to spill his guts, but at least he has his head straight again. Whatever’s going on between him and Amira, there’s a good reason behind it. A long time ago, we told each other we’d never make any empty promises.

As much things have changed between us, I still don’t believe he’d make an empty promise to anyone else either.
