Page 143 of Overtime

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2 Dangerous

I gritmy teeth against the sound of his grunts. Watching him fuck my wife is a double-edged sword. Some nights are harder than others to ignore his presence and focus on her sweet moans.

He lifts his body, providing me with a glorious view of her breasts. Not even the decade we’ve spent apart has faded my marks on her. My shoulders relax, and my hand keeps time with the movements of her body. As long as her face is visible, it’s easy to pretend it’s me thrusting into her wet heat, creating her expression of ecstasy. It’s not perfect, the way I make love to her. But we always come together, and I know somewhere deep inside, she feels it, too.

We’re soulmates after all. Not even death, the constraints of time, nor human understanding of existence can stand between us. She made it easier for us to stay connected by installing the state-of-the-art security system in the house. Her bodyguards are complicit in giving me as much access as possible to our family even on vacations. I never have to miss a moment, thanks to their constant surveillance.

“Rob,” she whispers into the dark. It’s always the same. No matter how much his name on her tongue bruises me, I don’t blame her. She has to keep up appearances. I know this.

His response lashes against my skin, sharper than any barbed whip. “I love you. My Evie.”

No. She’s my Evie. I let his mistaken words slide time and time again. He treats her well enough, and he’s given us the children we couldn’t have on our own. For that, I’ll be eternally grateful.

Her body tenses. She digs her fingers into his shoulders, wishing it was me instead. God bless her, she’s gotten so good at acting, even the media never questions her devotion to our sperm donor.

But I know the truth. With her eyes closed, she’s imagining my face hovering above her. I let the sensations of her touch wash over me, feeling her hands on my body everywhere she intends me to. This is the only way we can be together for now, so I’ll take it. I tighten my fist around my cock, waiting for the rush of her breath that will send me over the edge.

The moment she gives it to me, I spill over my hand and stomach. These brief moments of euphoria stretched between us keep me strong. I watch as waves of pleasure wash over her face, drawing out my own orgasm. I grab a few tissues to clean myself off as he does the same for her. He climbs off the bed, leaving me with an unobstructed view of her body. She lounges on her side, the position enhancing the roundness of her belly. I caress the monitor. Our daughter is due in three months.

I take exception to him not being able to control his sexual urges during her pregnancies when there’s no need for his input. Unfortunately, my wife has her own urges these long months, and since I’m not there to provide her with what she needs, I console myself with the thought that she’s being taken care of.

It will be a shame to kill him when the time comes. He really has taken good care of my family for me. If I thought the rest of the world would understand my and Evie’s transcendental bond, I’d let him live. Unfortunately, our love will never gain acceptance with him around. He’ll have to go. I won’t have any distractions when I finally get my wife and children all to myself.

I’m not sure how many more kids she wants. Until I know for certain that we’re done building our family, I’ll bide my time, watching from the shadows.

He climbs into bed, spooning behind her now that her stomach is too big for them to sleep in their usual positions. I like it this way. It’s less intimate between them and affords me a better view of my wife as she sleeps.

“Satisfied?” He chuckles as he kisses her temple.

“Mmm.” I feel her moan all the way to my toes.

A bolt of jealousy works down my spine as he rubs my daughter in her safe womb. “A few more weeks, and we’ll be relegated to doggy-style until D-Day.”

“Yes, and I know how much you hate that.” Her husky laugh both warms and hurts me. Though he’s been good to her and given us the family we’ve always wanted, I can’t help but feel betrayed when she shares quiet, tender moments with him. Moments that should belong to me. It’s not her fault she has such a good heart. She doesn’t have it in her to treat him with anything but the respect he deserves. Their friendship is only natural, considering the circumstances.

“You know I worry about poking them in the head that way. If I can feel your cervix with every thrust, they can feel my dick potentially giving them brain damage. It’s not good for their development, not to mention it could induce early labor. These are the times penis-reduction surgery would be very beneficial.”

My nose wrinkles in disgust. I hate when he talks to her in such a crass manner, though I don’t disagree with his rationale. It would be better for everyone involved if he would simply not impale her until we’re ready to try for baby number three. My few attempts to slip something in his food or drink to achieve that goal have all been thwarted.

“Rob,” Evie wheezes through body-shaking laughter. “Stop being ridiculous. You’re going to make me pee.”

“Ah, finally decided you’re into the piss play, have you? All right, then. I’ll take one for the team.” He commences tickling her until her body is a writhing mass of limbs on the mattress.

That’s my cue to shift to a different feed. I can’t stand watching his immaturity unfold. Times like this, Evie must be gritting her teeth to put up with a man-child in the interests of getting pregnant. I can’t bear to watch her missing me, so I check in on our son.

“Jack-Jack,” I murmur as I caress his sweet cheeks. He’s four now and growing like a bad weed.

I wasn’t impressed with how she delivered the news of his birth and name to me. Still, I got the covert message loud and clear. She wanted him to be named for his father. To the public, he’s Robert Michael Alexander Falls. In my heart, he’s Jackson Xavier Sinclair, Junior. Evie insisted on a more widespread and up-to-date security system as soon as he came home from the hospital. Her way of making sure I didn’t miss a single first.

I was there for them all. His first smile, his first steps, his first word—Dada. Even my boy knows I watch over him and love him with everything I am. He’s seen my face and knows who I am. He even smiles at me when Evie takes him out for walks, waving and babbling all about his latest interests so I can hear. He’s too young to understand that I hear every word he says, whether he’s purposefully talking to me or not.

Like now, in the throes of a bad dream. His little body thrashes against the blankets until he finally displaces them from the bed altogether.

I tap into the intercom to soothe him. “Ssh, little man. You’re safe. Daddy’s here.”


“That’s right. How about a story? Would that help you go back to sleep?”
