Page 46 of Overtime

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The man constantly surprises me.

After only a few moments of not playing along at all, Mike pushes Alex away, much to the amusement of the audience who laugh at the spectacle.

Rob’s voice interrupts Alex’s performance. “He’s really enjoying this.”

“I’d say so.”

“Mike doesn’t seem to be having as much fun with it.”

My chest squeezes for my pseudo-brother. “This is his first Christmas single. Give the guy a break.”

Rob’s answering laughter seems out of place for my request. “Yeah, and this is my second Christmas not single, and we’re still not together. You don’t see me acting like a big jerk about it.”

“I can’t see you at all, Superjock. You’re pointing the phone the wrong way.”

Rob’s tired face comes into view after a whiplash motion of the camera. “Better?”

I can’t help my pouty expression, no matter how hard I try. “I guess it’ll have to do. It’s better than last year at least.”

That dimple I adore makes an appearance with Rob’s smile, his teal eyes sparkling even though he looks so darn tired. “I’ll take it. If I have to move the chains one yard at a time with you, then that’s what I’ll do.”

“You only get four downs on a drive, QB.”

“So, I have two left. I got this. Have a little faith in me.”

“Your ego’s showing again.” He’s so much fun to mess with. If I can’t do it in person, I can give him a run for his money this way.

He rolls his eyes instead of taking the bait. “I have to go record social media challenges for a bit, and I forgot how late it is. You should try to get some sleep.”

It’s my turn to roll my eyes. He knows exactly how well I’ll sleep.

“I wish I was there,” Rob whispers. “Only two more weeks of break, then we’ll be back on campus.”

In the presence of others, his response remains cryptic, not revealing what I wouldn’t want anyone else to know.

The picture jostles a bit, and Rob’s attention is diverted to the side.

“Hey, is that Evie? Merry Christmas, little sister!” Mike’s face comes into view as Rob angles the phone away from himself. “How’s the weather at home? I heard you’ve got a foot of snow and counting! Did you make the Greek cookies yet?”

In spite of his former sour expression, Mike seems as chipper as can be.

“I made them earlier, and don’t worry. There’s an extra two dozen waiting for you.”

Another whiplash motion, and Rob frowns on the screen. “Why does he get special cookies?”

Though I can’t see his expression, the tone of Mike’s voice is playful and smug. I can only imagine the shit-eating grin he must be wearing. “Because I’m special.”

Rob lifts his eyebrow, clearly questioning Mike’s assessment. “What kind of special cookies are we talking about here?”

Mike explains before I can get in a single word. “They’re these little twisty things with sesame seeds on them. If you dunk them in milk, they’re soft, but plain, they’re crunchy. Evie knows those are my favorite, so she makes me extra.”

“Why didn’t I know you could bake?” Rob returns his attention to me.

“I dunno. You never asked? It’s not like we have a kitchen in the dorms, so you wouldn’t really know this information about me.”

“Is special cookies code for something else?” Alex’s face pops up behind Rob’s shoulder.

By the way Alex’s body jerks, I’m guessing Rob elbowed him in the stomach for that lewd implication.

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