Page 47 of Overtime

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“Only you could turn koulourakia into something dirty, Alex.” Still, it’s hard to stifle my laughter.

A look of sheer pride crosses Alex’s face. “It’s a gift.”

“Impressive singing,” I tell him in all honesty. “How many travel-weary ladies have you wooed so far tonight?”

He seems to think it over as the screen view widens to reveal all three of my boys. Mike shakes his head while Rob rolls his eyes.

“I lost count a while ago, but trust me, the number is well into the double digits.”

“Too bad you don’t have any condoms packed in your duffel bag,” Mike snickers.

“You underestimate my level of preparedness. I was a Boy Scout, remember?”

Rob throws his head back in laughter. “You were a Bear Scout and lit another tent on fire. The den leader kicked you out.”

Alex shrugs, not the least bit offended. “They wanted a heat source; I made one. I can’t help it if they didn’t appreciate my brand of creativity.”

As much as seeing all three of them cheers me up on this otherwise lonely Christmas Eve, I can’t fight the yawn that tears out of my throat.

“It’s late. Go sleep, Evie,” Mike advises. “At least one of us should get to spend the night in a warm, comfortable bed.”

“Special cookies, talking about Evie’s bed like you’ve slept in it before…” Alex shakes his head. “You disappoint me, Michael.”

“That’s it,” Mike grits out. “Now, you’re gonna get it. I’ve put up with your shit all day.”

Alex pops his eyebrows like he knows exactly how much he’s gotten on Mike’s nerves. In a flash, he takes off, Mike hot on his heels.

For a few moments, Rob stares in the direction they ran before returning his gaze to the phone. “Has he slept in your bed before?”

“Of course.” I’m with Alex. Riling them up is just too easy to pass on. And I need some way to stay awake for as long as Rob wants to FaceTime with me.

Exhaustion must be ruling Rob’s brain, too, because he doesn’t fall for this either. “Uh, okay. Could he maybe not do that anymore? It’s a little weird.”

“Gee, Superjock. Way to act like a jealous boyfriend. Please, don’t hold back on how you feel about your friend sleeping in my bed. I wouldn’t want you to strain yourself trying to control the situation.”

Rob’s expression doesn’t change other than an infinitesimal lift of his eyebrows. “Trying to control you is like trying to control wildfire. Not a possibility. I choose to strain myself in ways I think might actually yield results.”

“Such as?” Has he been playing mind games with me that I’m unaware of?

A Cheshire smile spreads across his kissable lips. “That’s for me to know, and you to find out.”


Commotion off screen pulls Rob’s attention away.

“We ready?” he calls to a faceless voice. “Sweet.”

“Time for you to go film a crazy night of boys gone wild?”

“Something like that.” He offers me another cryptic smile. “Merry Christmas, my Evie. I love you.”

Before I can respond back in kind, the screen goes black.

“Merry Christmas, Rob,” I whisper to an empty room.
