Page 67 of Overtime

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Alex aims a wide grin at me. He got exactly what he wanted in the first place.

I imagine punching his teeth out.

Evie stands up, lengthening her body and arching her back like a cat before rolling her head around a bit.

My dick twitches in my sweat pants, practically crying out for mercy. The bottle of massage oil in my desk hasn’t been forgotten, but those plans seem like a pipe dream now.

Evie graces us with a genuine smile, taking the time to make eye contact with each of us before she clasps her hands in front of her. A shy expression overtakes her face. “This is the best Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had, guys. Thank you, honestly. I was always the little girl in school who never got a special gift while all the other girls did. For years, I dreamed of the fancy boxes of chocolates and the glittery cards and flowers that everyone else but me seemed to get. It got to the point where I dreaded this holiday before I even turned thirteen. I actually begged my mom to let me play hooky the day of the Valentine’s Party in fifth grade, just so I wouldn’t have to go and feel like a loser again.” She shrugs as a faint blush steals across her cheeks. “So…thank you. I’ve never felt so special as I do today.”

Alex clears his throat and averts his gaze.

I’m stunned silent. How could no one else have ever paid this gorgeous creature any attention? Just because I didn’t meet her until ninth grade and never knew what I was missing doesn’t mean other guys had the same shitty luck. No one came before me? Really? Not even a playground elementary fake relationship? That’s so hard to believe.

“Where are you going?” Mike asks as Evie heads for the door.

“Just gonna use the restroom real quick while the next show loads. Don’t start without me!”

As soon as she’s gone, Alex and I turn to Mike for confirmation. They’ve gone to school together since kindergarten. He would know if her story is true.

He nods at our silent questions. “Yeah. She had these really thick glasses that made her eyes look enormous, and not in a good way. Frizzy hair, so skinny her clothes seemed to hang off her. No one paid her any attention unless it was to make fun of her. A couple of the kids used to hide her glasses and laugh when she’d trip over things while she tried to find them. In third grade for Valentine’s Day, this kid, Joey, made a big deal of giving her a box of candy. She opened it up and mud and worms poured all over her fancy dress her mom had bought her. She ran out of the room, crying, while the rest of the class laughed. We weren’t really friends then, so even though I felt kinda bad, I didn’t help her either.”

Alex hangs his head. “I used to tease the ugly girls like that at Our Lady, too. I was such a little asshole back in the day.”

Anger pumps through my chest at his casual use of the word “ugly.” He’s still an asshole in many ways.

Mike twists until he faces me. “Didn’t you leave a rose and chocolate on her locker freshman year? And pretty much every year after that for Valentine’s Day?”

I nod, wishing now more than ever I’d had the balls to follow through with more than just anonymous gifts. “Yeah. I did. I never asked her to the Sweetheart’s Dance though. I should have.”

Mike stands from his cushiony spot on the floor. “Well, you’ve got her now. I guess you’ve done a better job than the rest of us all this time after all. Don’t screw it up.” He points a finger at me then gestures to the door. “Come on, Alex. Let’s go play Call of Duty in my room. Give them some space.”

“Yeah.” That’s all Alex says as he follows Mike’s lead.

I’m still steaming about all the shit my girl’s been through when she returns to the room.

“Where’d everyone go?”

“They went up to Mike’s room.”

Evie approaches the bed with a sly smile on her face. “Ah, excellent. That didn’t take as long as I expected. They’re so easy to manipulate sometimes.”

My face must twist into an expression of confusion.

Evie doesn’t waste any time, pushing me to my back before climbing on top of me and pressing a kiss to my nose. “They thought they could buy me off with fancy gifts. While I appreciate their sentiments, today is for you and me.”

I brush her crazy hair off her forehead and tuck it behind her ears, taking the time to savor the softness of her cheek against my fingertips. “You knew what they were doing the whole time? I totally thought you bought into it.”

Her sweet breath fans across my face as she lowers her mouth to mine. “I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t enjoy it, but I overheard them making fun of you for your gift during your impromptu wrestling match.”

“How long were you standing there before you intervened?”

“Long enough.” She raises her chin, gazing down at me with a sparkle of mischief in her blue eyes. “I might not have known it then, but you were the first person who ever gave me a gift for Valentine’s Day. Not because you had to like in a classroom exchange, but because you wanted to. You actually spoiled me quite a bit during high school, even from a safe distance.”

“I should have done more.” I pull her back against me, tasting the chocolate on her tongue until we break apart for necessary oxygen. “I’ll do better. I’ll spoil you rotten for the rest of my life.”

Evie shakes her head. “It’s not about things, Rob. It’s about time. It’s about love. You can’t put a price on that.”

“I love you with my whole heart.” No matter how cheesy it sounds, it’s the absolute truth. “I always have, and I always will.”

“I know.” She grins at me. “What those two boneheads don’t appreciate is your actions prove that far more than any gift. The big three play is nice, but being loved the way you love me is every girl’s dream.”

I roll us over so she’s pinned beneath me. “Then let me love you, Dream Girl.”

Her gorgeous smile takes my breath away. “That was the plan all along, Superjock. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

That bottle of massage oil in my desk calls to me. “It’s not as happy as it could be, baby. We’re just getting started.”

She quirks an eyebrow up at me. “I’m game for anything.”

Happy Valentine’s Day, indeed.
