Page 10 of Half of My Heart

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I rubmy eyes with the palm of my hands, exhausted beyond belief. I was never good at sleeping on planes, but with everything that’s happening, I thought it would be a good idea to try. Too bad my brain refuses to shut off. Too much adrenaline coursing through me and for once, I wished I was already in America when the news story broke. But I wasn’t and here we are, on a plane to Chicago. I open the window shade and look down to see we are finally across the Atlantic and over land. It’s hard to distinguish what part of the United States we’re over, but it doesn’t matter since we’ll probably be landing soon.

I sit back in my seat and sigh, trying to digest how the course of my life vastly changed within twenty-four hours. David, the lawyer Philip secured for me, suggested that when I meet with Jenna, I voluntarily ask first for a paternity test. If she refuses, then we will immediately go to court and request one to be ordered. If the paternity test comes out positive, I need to fill out and file a voluntary acknowledgement of paternity.

Ifthe test comes back positive.

If the test comes back negative, then I can take legal action against Jenna or wash my hands of her forever and walk away, which won’t be hard to do. If she is behind all of this, then there’s no way she’s the woman I thought she was.

The thought makes me completely sick to my stomach.

Thomas emailed over more information on Jenna’s business, which included YouTube links to her news segments. I spent most of the plane ride mesmerized by those videos and seeing the progression of Jenna’s pregnancy play out on television. Her beautiful face became fuller, her clothes baggier as the segments progressed over months and then finally, she would hide behind the table and props she brought along to share.

But why did she hide her pregnancy? And if the baby is mine, why did she hide it from me?

Her business is thriving, and this kind of publicity will only make people more intrigued about her. People will book her just to say they booked the girl who was associated with Cal Harrington. I close my eyes, still not wanting to believe the possibility that Jenna is being an opportunist. My gut is telling me that it can’t be true, but what other explanation could there be? The Jenna I thought I knew would never hide something like this from me.

So many fucking questions that I need answers to. I feel like I’m spiraling out of control and I hate that feeling. I’m always in control of my life, my circumstances, and my situations. I have to be in this industry, but this has completely derailed me.

“Mr. Harrington?” I open my eyes to see one of the flight attendants standing next to me. “We will be landing in one hour. Is it okay if I wake up Mrs. Harrington?” My mother was adamant about coming with me and refused to take no for an answer. I’m relieved that she’s here with me because I need someone to keep me level-headed when I see Jenna for the first time.

“Yes, that’s fine,” I respond and watch her walk toward the back of the plane where the bedroom is located. I decide to stand up and utilize the bathroom in the front of the plane to wash my face and brush my teeth.

When I’m finished, I come out to find my mother awake and seated with tea being served to her.

“Hello darling, did you get any sleep?” she asks before thanking the flight attendant. I request a cup for myself before responding back to her.

“No, I was doing more research.” Basically, stalking Jenna for the majority of the flight.

“So, what is the plan when we land in Chicago?”

I look at my watch and calculate the time in my head. “With the time change, it will be around 9:00 a.m. when we land. A driver should be waiting for us and will take us straight to the hotel. We will then meet with the lawyer and Thomas. After that we will have lunch and then head to Jenna’s.”

“Have you called Jenna to let her know you’re coming?” My mother raises an eyebrow at me, knowing full well that I have not personally called her.

“David has been trying and told me that her phone line is continuously busy.” My lawyer called Jenna’s business line to try to reach her, but either the mailbox is not activated or off the hook to avoid being picked up.

“I don’t think it would be wise for us to just show up without giving her some sort of proper notice.”

“I don’t particularly care for courtesy notices at this point, Mother. We’re here for a reason and the sooner we get answers, the better. Besides, it’s not our fault we can’t get a hold of her.”

“Cal,” she says in her warning voice. “You sound like your mind’s made up that Jenna is guilty. What if she’s not? What are you going to do?”

“Mother, please.” I scrub my hands up and down my face, my brain and body beyond tired from this whirlwind. “I don’t know who or what to believe, but right now the evidence is pointing at Jenna and unfortunately, she’s the only one who knows the truth.”

“Okay, son,” my mother says softly and now I feel like an asshole for being stern with her. The flight attendant brings me my tea and we sit in silence until I can’t take the guilt eating at me for being snappy with my mother.

“Sorry for being so pissy, Mum. Let’s just wait and see what happens before making any decisions.” I offer her a small smile and am rewarded back with one of her own.

“You are under a lot of pressure, my boy. No need to apologize.”

“Thanks for coming, Mum,” I tell her with sincerity.

“There’s nowhere else I rather be, especially if there’s a possibility of meeting another one of my grandchildren.”

I swallow down the rest of my drink and nod at her, still not wanting to believe the possibility that I’ve had a daughter whom I’ve never known about.

We’ll find out soon enough.
