Page 11 of Half of My Heart

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Forty-five minutes later, we have landed safely and are being driven to the Ritz-Carlton in downtown Chicago. We check into our residential suite and within thirty minutes, David arrives. I pre-sign some documents and we go over our strategy one more time regarding Jenna.

“Call me as soon as you’re done meeting with her. If you are the father, we need to get the ball rolling on claiming paternity.”

Father.Fuck if that word doesn’t give me goosebumps. I shake his hand while thanking him and walk him to the door. Next meeting is with Thomas and I ask my mother to order us all lunch from room service. He gives me a USB drive of his files on Jenna and we continue our conversation about her over lunch.

“The story is circulating, and paparazzi have already arrived in swarms. You’re going to need someone on the inside. I trust a guy named Chase Wilson. He’s one of the best in the business but has a conscience. Here’s his card.” Thomas hands me Chase’s card and I briefly glance at it before putting it into my pocket. “I recommend googling him before call so you know his backstory. At this point in time, he’ll be better suited for you than I will be.”

“Why is that?” I question, not understanding how paparazzi is better than a private investigator.

“Paparazzi are like smaller versions of P.I.s. He’ll be following her and you during all hours to get the money shots. I advise you to hire him to follow Jenna and have him report back to you what his fellow peers are saying and doing.”

“I like the way you operate, Thomas,” I tell him in appreciation because I never even thought about that.

“Unless you need me for something else, I believe my job here is done. When will you be meeting with Ms. Pruitt?”

“As soon as you leave,” I confirm, nodding over to my mother who looks up at me in surprise.

“Then let me not keep you waiting.” He puts down his napkin on the table and stands up to leave. I thank him again and walk him to the door. As soon as he leaves, I turn around to look at my mother.

“I’m going to take a quick shower. Can you be ready to leave within the hour?”

“Did David get in touch with her?”

“No, and it doesn’t matter at this point. We’re here, I know where she lives, and we’re going. So please get ready.”

I don’t give my mother time to respond back. I walk to my bedroom, close the door and head quickly to the shower.

It’s time, Jenna.
