Page 5 of Half of My Heart

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“How in the bloody hell do you know about that?” I question in anger, knowing full well I never told my family about Jenna.

Bridget smirks and I instantly know my answer. “Who do you think?”

“Fucking Sean.”

I shouldn’t be surprised that Sean told my sister, but somehow, I am. He’s very close with my family and they treat him as if he’s their other son.

“Don’t be mad at him—he was worried about you. He said he’s never seen you act like that over a woman before.”

“It wasn’t his business to tell you.”

“If you would’ve told us, he wouldn’t have had to,” she counters back, and I don’t disagree with her. “So, are you trying to find her so you can have a fuck buddy while in Chicago?”

“She’s more than just a fuck,” I growl, not liking how casual Bridget is making her sound.

Bridget’s eyes widen in surprise. “How so, Cal? If she’s something more, then why are you now trying to get in touch with all these years later?”

“When I met Jenna, she was still hurt from her divorce. She wasn’t looking to date again, especially to someone like me, someone who was never rooted in one place very long due to my grueling schedule…and because of the obvious. My profession. She didn’t think a long-distance relationship was worth pursuing. I was hoping I could change her mind, but it was hard to stay on top of emailing her back while shooting a movie.”

“What do you mean, emailing her back? Why didn’t you just pick up the phone and call her?”

“She refused to give me her phone number.” I smile sadly at Bridget’s shocked expression. “When we parted, she was too scared to give it to me. I was lucky to even get her email.”

“If you liked her so much, why didn’t you demand she give you her number or she couldn’t leave?”

I give my sister an exasperated look, wondering if she’s really as crazy as she sounds. “I can’t hold someone against their will, Bridget.” I scowl at the devilish grin that spreads on her face. “Furthermore, I was trying to be a gentleman and give her time. I was hoping that after we corresponded for a while, she would miss me and see how ridiculous emailing was.”

“Wow,” Bridget drawls out, seeming impressed with my response. “I bet it was a test on her part. It’s harder to keep up with email, so if you were consistently keeping in touch with her that way, then that would’ve shown her you were serious about her.”

“Maybe.” I shrug, pondering her thoughts on the matter. “But I did give her my phone number to call me and she never did…or so I think.”

“What do you mean?”

“When I was at the cast party once the movie was done shooting, I remember my cell phone ringing with an unknown number. I handed my phone to Valerie to answer since I don’t answer unknown numbers and I was busy in the middle of a conversation with someone else. But I could’ve sworn I overheard her say Jenna’s name when greeting whoever was on the phone. But I’ll never know because Valerie dropped my phone by accident and it conveniently broke.”

“Do you really think that was an accident?” Bridget asks with a pointed look.

“Valerie said it was an accident and when I questioned who it was, she claims she didn’t hear their name before the phone fell out of her hand.” I clench my fists in anger at the memory. I was slightly drunk at that party, so I believed every word Valerie said to me because at the time, I didn’t know what a liar and manipulator she was. “We’ll never know the real truth.”

“And that’s when you changed your number, right?”

“Yes, but I would’ve had to change it regardless because some random fan got a hold of that number and wouldn’t leave me alone. It’s why I have two separate cell phones now—one for work and one just for family and close friends. So even if Jenna did try to call me again, that number is no longer in service.”

“Hmm, true. Did you email her asking if she tried calling you?”

“Yes, and the email went unanswered. I emailed her multiple times before finally giving up.”

“Why didn’t you try to find her then?”

“Because as soon as I was done shooting that movie, I had to scramble back to Norway to continue shooting ‘Wrath of the Vikings.’ That TV show catapulted my career, and we were shooting the third season. I couldn’t ask the director to hold up production so I could go looking for someone who ‘seemed’ to be avoiding me.

We sit in comfortable silence for a moment, both of us dissecting the situation.

“Here’s the thing, Cal, and I’m not saying this to be a bitch or anything,” Bridget starts, and I brace myself to not like what I’m about to hear. “You’re my baby brother and I’ll always tell you the truth, but if she really wanted to try to do the long distance thing, she would’ve given you her phone number the day she left Las Vegas.”

I nod my head curtly knowing that this could be the case. It’s crossed my mind plenty of times. Not to mention, Sean said the same thing all those years ago when Jenna stopped emailing me back. Hell, it’s why I haven’t put an effort into trying to find her sooner.

“You might be right, but I won’t know until I find her again.”
