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"I haven't said anything specific since I don’t talk about work except in general terms, but anyone or the internet could tell her that."

"Yeah, I know. But is that something she'd do? Look me up?"

Silence followed the question and Everett bit back his frustration. Some things weren't meant to be public. It was no one's business how much money he had or who he’d dated in the past. His private life was private, and he wished he could keep it that way.

"Not necessarily. Izzy doesn’t focus on those types of things. That doesn't mean one of her sisters or friends won't check you out though. What's going on?"

He thought about his conversation with Isabel about keeping their secret and hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal.

"Look, Everett, it's pretty obvious you're into her. You wouldn't be here if you weren't. What's going on?"

Everett inhaled and decided to take a chance, despite the risk it could pose. Michael was Isabel’s cousin. If he talked, she would be hurt. "It turns out the chapel wasn't fake."

A huff of a laugh escaped Michael, but when Everett didn't comment further, he heard Michael inhale sharply.

"Come on. You can’t be serious."

Everett ran a hand over his face and rubbed his eyes. "Have you told anyone about those pictures? The prank?" Isabel didn't want her family to know, but the truth would come out eventually. Such things always did.

"No. I’ve been working on a deadline and had my head buried all week, so I haven’t been around anyone. Nose to the grindstone and all of that. You're really married?"

"Yes. I didn't notice it wasn't the right entrance." Because truth be told, she'd been the distraction he'd needed that night in more ways than one.

"So you’ve told Izzy? How's she taking it?"

"She avoided my calls all week but I told her this evening. She wants a divorce."

"And you don't?"

His silence said more than the word could've, and Everett waited for Michael's response.

"Wow. Okay, that took a turn I wasn't expecting. So what do you want from me?"

Everett pinched the bridge of his nose and pondered the question. "You know her. And I need to get to know her fast. What she likes, how to…romance her."

"Sounds more like a conversation to have with Marsali Jones, not me."

The name rang a bell and suddenly pieces clicked in his brain. Marsali Jones. Recently married to Hollywood superstar Oliver Beck. The man had given up Hollywood for her and moved to Wilmington to start his own production company. It had been all over the news and tabloids alike. No wonder the woman had looked familiar. That and the fact she was front and center on bookshelves for her bestselling novel on dating. "She was at the baby shower for Isabel's friend."

"Yeah, probably so," Michael said. "I believe Izzy met Marsali when she hired Marsali to matchmake Amelia."

Interesting. It definitely sounded like a story he wanted to hear more of, especially if he could get some dating pointers—for his wife. "Any other suggestions?"

"Everett... are you sure you want to do this?"

"My intentions are honorable, Michael. Now that it’s happened, I’d like to make the best of it."

"Are you sure you don't just want to save face? It was an honest mistake. Your pride might have to take a hit. That's just life."

Everett stared out at the ocean. The water looked dark, the sky barely a lighter shade of gray. Everett knew he'd need his friend's support if things went the way he wanted them to. Isabel seemed close to her cousins, and given the sudden turn in their relationship, Everett knew he'd need the vetting Michael could provide.

Men in his position didn'tdate. His life didn't accommodate the normalcy of such a thing and hadn’t for years. And if he wanted Isabel as anything more than an accidental wife, he'd have to use everything—everyone—at his disposal to make it happen. "She's different," Everett admitted finally. "Isabel has something I've not experienced before, and if we could build on that—without her knowing or caring about my financial status—that would be a plus."

"You like her."

"Yes. I do." Maybe it was crazy given the short time frame, but he was a man who’d built a billion-dollar empire by reading people. Understanding them in ways they sometimes didn’t understand themselves. All it took was time and attention to detail, sources like Michael, to help the process along.

Silence filled the air once again before Michael released a loud exhale.

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