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"I know how to drive." She waited for him to say more, but he fixed his attention on the passing scenery and the beauty surrounding them and purposely ignored her inquisitiveness and focused on her shiver.

The air held the slightest bit of a chill coming off the waterway. "Are you cold?"

Taking the moment for the opportunity it was, he shifted his stance so that his chest met her back. With his arms on either side of her, the scent of her shampoo in his nose, he cuddled her close with his lips next to her ear. "You smell delicious. Coconut and…honey,” he guessed. “It makes me want to take a bite out of you."

Everett smiled at the shiver that raced through her body but didn't comment on it. No doubt she would blame the wind cutting across the water as they traveled to Southport, but the statement seemingly distracted her from her questions as to Tomas's presence on board.

"You said no sex," she muttered.

He lowered his head, pressed his lips near her ear. "Holding you isn't sex, Isabel. Nor is touching you, kissing you, or a variety of other things."

Standing over her like he was, he saw her lips part to draw in a breath and smiled, very glad he wasn’t the only one so impacted by the chemistry they shared.

The horn sounded as they neared the shoreline, and the captain asked everyone to return to their vehicles. Tomas had remained in the SUV but started to get out when they descended from the upper deck. Everett shook his head and the man remained inside.

He could open Isabel's door. He would protect her with his life. But that didn't mean there weren't people out there who might decide to test his priorities just for the attention it might bring. Which was why a quick text to Tomas had the man waiting for them outside the oceanfront rental, ready to take them on the adventure of the day.

Tomas drove them off the ferry but turned left not long after, stopping at the gate to get a ticket to park at the marina. Their next ferry was a passenger ferry only, and Everett debated whether to have Tomas wait in Southport for their return or accompany them.

Tomas's gaze met Everett's in the rearview mirror, and Everett gave in with a reluctant nod. Better safe than sorry. He might leave Tomas behind on occasion to get some time alone, but he'd never do anything that might endanger Isabel. And the sad truth was that, in today's world, being near him had its own danger, if for no other reason than the threat of kidnapping and ransom.

They'd be on an island without easy access to the mainland should something go wrong. Better to have security and not need it than to find himself without it.

"Oh, I love going to Bald Head," Isabel said when she realized what was happening.

On board the passenger ferry, Isabel chose a seat on the outside so she could see the water yet be behind a bulkhead that blocked them from the worst of the wind after the ferry got underway. Tomas stood nearby at the end, a silent but watchful guard. "You've done this before."

She smiled and shrugged. "Yes, but it never gets old. And it's been years since I've visited even though it's so close."

Isabel nervously rambled on about the various trips she'd taken to the island over the years. They discussed antics she'd played with her sisters in the golf carts and how she and friends had ditched school once to ride bikes to the far side of the island to watch the kite surfers.

He enjoyed the stories. But more than anything he liked watching her expressions as she reminisced. Her childhood was night and day from his, but he liked that she so willingly shared those special moments with him and made him feel a part of them.

Once docked, Isabel led the way to the rental kiosks. Tomas stood in line to get their golf carts while he and Isabel waited off to the side.

"I'm, uh, going to go to the ladies’ room before we get going," she said, moving toward the public building several feet away.

Left on his own, Everett shoved his hands into his pockets and strolled around the interior of the building, checking out a map of the island and noting points of interest.

The island had a spaciousness to it Everett appreciated. It was definitely a retreat for the senses, the lack of traffic noise and the crush of people sliding into his soul like a balm.

"I can't believe my eyes. Everett? Is that you?"

Everett turned to face the man speaking to him, recognizing him instantly. "John. Hello."

John Shapiro grinned and held out a hand to shake.

"I don't believe it! What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same."

"I have a house here. My wife's family's from the area, so the wife and I come here for Thanksgiving and fly all the kids down. We gather at our house for the festivities."

"That sounds fun." And like something he’d like to do one day.

"It’s the highlight of our year. Are you looking into real estate on the island? I know of a few places for sale. Would be nice to have you as a neighbor."

"Just looking around today," he told the man. "But I'll call to get those names if I decide to move forward."
