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Chapter Sixteen

Ican't believe it. Give Tessa my best and tell her I hope she feels better soon," Izzy said before murmuring a goodbye to her mama and ending the call.

"Bad news?"

Izzy turned and found Everett leaning against the doorway of the living room, one foot crossed over the front at his ankle. He looked gorgeous and casual and… "How long have you been there?"

The smile that lifted his lips made her belly flutter.

"A while. Just enjoying the view."

His gaze swept over her and left her insides heating in a way that couldn't happen. Not today. "Mmm, um, yes, actually that was bad news. Tessa was involved in something. I didn’t grasp the whole story, but she'll be okay. That's the important thing."


"Yeah. So...we have things to do, and since you insist on joining me in tackling the chaos, are you ready?"

She'd discussed the different opportunities for gallery shows with Everett, but when it came down to it, she was most interested in the one where she could showcase her art the way she would want it displayed, surrounded by things that complimented the colors and lines and shapes of the frames. Maybe it was the control freak in her, but she couldn't think of anything more fun than staging it all and watching everyone's reactions.

Everett insisted she choose that one, promising to provide whatever she wanted, and he'd seemed genuinely surprised when she refused his offer. Thanks to Amelia, Izzy wouldn't be beholden to Everett for the expense of the endeavor, and she wanted to keep it that way. With the gallery providing catering and the staff to help with pricing and purchasing the night of the event, she couldn't help but get her hopes up for a successful evening.

"Let's go," he said.

Moments later they left the underground garage and made their way to Saks first. The problem was it was Christmastime…in New York, and the store was teeming with people.

Smiling at her, Everett drew her off to the side and watched as she pulled out her iPad. She'd made a long list of potential items to go with the photos, and she intended to enjoy every bit of this shopping spree, people included, even if she didn't get to keep any of the items.

"So what's first?" Everett asked.

A giggle burst out of her before she could stop it. "Lingerie." Her smile widened when his eyebrows rose. "What? Surely you've purchased lingerie for your lady friends?"

"I have...not," he said, dipping his head to stare down at her much shorter form. "But you can bet I'll pay close attention to your selections while we're here."

Everett's gaze set her body on fire, and she cleared her throat and followed the signs for the department she needed. One thing was certain—she had Everett's full attention now. And she intended to make the most of it.

Hours and hours later,Izzy fell into the package-crowded backseat of the car and scooted over for Everett to join her. The moment he settled, he pulled her lower legs atop his and gently began to massage her through her leggings. Izzy couldn't stop the groan that formed.

"I thought if mine were hurting in comfortable shoes, yours must be killing you," he murmured.

"Have mercy," she breathed, gasping when he pressed and rubbed a particularly tender muscle.

The chuckle that emerged from his chest drew her lashes up and she wondered when she'd shut them.

"Feel good?"


"Dinner in tonight?"

"Oh, please." She didn't want to think about anything but a long, hot bath and cozy socks. The boots she'd worn had always been favorites due to being comfortable, but after spending the entire day and most of the evening traipsing through stores and boutiques, she was stick-a-fork-in-her done.

She shifted on the leather seat and curled her arm through Everett's to lean her head against his shoulder while Tomas drove them home.

"You scored some amazing things for your New York debut," Everett said, the words whispered into her hair. "You have good taste, Isabel."

"Thank you." The compliment meant a lot. It really did. Her taste was definitely different from her mother's more traditional style. Isabel had a very modern, minimalist style. She'd focused on textures and shapes and tried to keep things as elegant yet homey as possible. The end result would be clean and warm, cozy yet rich.

"I can't wait to see it all set up."
