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Izzy nodded, willing to accept any and all advice.

"Kirk came on strong, much like your Everett. He flirted and gave me flowers. Charmed me. But it wasn't real. He just wanted money."

"I don't have any money. Everett knows that," she said with a grumble.

"Exactly, sweetheart," Tessa said. "He's done all of those wonderful things for you knowing you don't have the money or the connections to return the gesture. So why did he do it?"

Izzy shot Tessa a stare that made it clear Everetthadgotten something in return, but the woman only shook her head.

"No. Sweetheart, that is something a man like him can get anywhere. There's more to this story, you mark my words."

She didn't dare hope that was true. She couldn't. "I want to go home. Can we please go home?"

"Soon, miss," the captain said. "Everyone, just relax and have a drink and we'll be on our way soon."

Izzy finally met her mother's stare. Tears swept through her again, blurring her vision. "I'm sorry, Mama. I know I keep disappointing you."

"Oh, Isabel. Honey, you have not disappointed me.”

“You liked Everett. You want things to work with him.”

“I love you,” her mother said softly. “The only thing I want is for you to be happy. Do you hear me?”

Everett foughthis impatience as Tomas raced to the airport.

Hands fisting, he stared out the window, his mind rolling over the morning. The bed had been empty when he woke up, so he'd dressed and searched the penthouse for Isabel.

The moment he'd spotted the pen atop the papers his attorney had delivered, a chill had raced down his spine, settling low and deep and making his muscles ache.

He remembered stalking toward the desk, spying Isabel's signature, and scowling at it, the breath leaving his lungs in a painful rush.

How could she do this now? After everything they'd shared? After telling him she loved him?

It took him a moment to realize she'd added a sticky note to the signature page that said,I'm sorry. I need more.

More? More what? More money?

He yanked the papers up and flipped to the one regarding the settlement. She'd crossed it out and written in the margin, but where he thought to find a higher amount requested, he read exactly where he could stick his money. With Isabel’s initials beside it.

A huff left his chest as he tossed the papers down and ran his fingers through his hair.

She wasn’t like the others. Thank God.

But if she thought she was going to just leave without a goodbye…

He grabbed the phone from the desk and dialed his pilot. The moment the man answered, Everett growled, "I think you have an extra passenger on the way—Isabel Shipley. Do not take off and do not let her leave the plane. I'm on my way."

Now they drove, the traffic busy as Tomas floored the car get them there as quickly as he could.

Finally arriving, Everett jumped out of the car before it had completely stopped and ran across the tarmac to the private plane decked in the Drake Enterprises logo.

He ran up the steps, boarding so fast he heard several gasps of surprise from the ladies on board. And Isabel.

Her eyes widened when she saw him. She'd just exited the rear bathroom, eyes puffy like she'd been crying. Now she stood frozen in place, one hand lifting to rub her chest as her anxiety appeared upon seeing him.

Everett stalked down the aisle, holding her gaze so she wouldn't look away.

"Everett, just stop. I know I should've told you I was leaving but—"
