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Igot it,” Tessa said the moment Mary Elizabeth said hello on the phone.

“What?”Mary Elizabeth sank down on the edge of the tub she’d just finished cleaning.

“Ourfriendcame in today for his free haircut, and I made an excuse to pull a few for a DNA sample.I did just what the instructions said to do and now we wait for the results.”

The air left Mary Elizabeth’s lungs in a rush of relief mixed with fear.Because what if the test came back positive?“Did you put a rush on it?”

“You know I did.And since I paid for it all and sent it out, no one will ever know unless you tell them.”

Tears filled her eyes and Mary Elizabeth blinked hard.“Oh, Tessa.You have no idea…”

“Of course I do.Now stop worrying.Whatever will be will be.Right?”

“Right.”But she wouldn’t stop worrying until the test results came back and she knew, one way or another.

But if Bryson was her son…what then?

“That’s not all the news I have,” Tessa said in a gleeful tone.

“Oh?What else?”

“Our Haddie has adatewith the very handsome Bryson this evening.That’s why he stopped in.He wanted to get spruced up for it.”

“Oh?”The thought pleased her and brought a smile to her lips.She loved Hadley, and after all that her goddaughter had been through, she deserved happiness.Dating a seemingly kind, handsome man was a good start.“Did he say anything else?”

“He asked me about her.What I could tell him that might help him along.”

“And you said?”

“To keep it low-key.Go slow.I said she’s much more about being in the moment with someone rather than how much they spend on her, and since they’re going to Isabel’s gallery show this weekend, to let Hadley set the pace.”

Mary Elizabeth winced.She’d forgotten all about her youngest daughter’s show in the turmoil of the last few days.“That’s good advice.I’m glad you told him that.”

“I did mention that flowers might be a nice touch, though, or a walk on the beach after they get back.Something to prolong the evening rather than it just being the show and back home.”

A thrill raced through Mary Elizabeth, and she was excited at the thought of Hadley experiencing new love.Romance.Because every woman deserved that.But if Bryson turned out to be her son…how would that make them feel?

What did she plan to do if he was?Would she tell him?

Tell Adam?

Her children?

The rest of the Babes?

Her stomach lurched with unease and nausea rolled over her.

“I’ve got to run.My next appointment just walked in the door.I had to call you and tell you, though.Oh, and just so you know, since I wouldn’t let him pay for the haircut, he tipped big and wouldn’t take no for an answer.He’s a good man.”

She closed her eyes and pressed a hand to her tight chest, over her heart.“Thank you.I mean it, Tessa.Thank you so much.Let me know the moment you hear something?”

“You know I will.”

Tessa said goodbye and Mary Elizabeth heard the phone click in her ear.She stared down at the cell in her hand, her family smiling back at her from the photo taken last Easter Sunday.

Isabel looked stunningly beautiful as always.Her wild child and free spirit was as beautiful as she was talented and determined to do things her own way.Thank God her husband was the understanding type and Everett seemed to have good insight on handling her daughter’s artistic ways.
