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“You’re not shallow.”

“And you’re not less than because of what you do,” she stated matter-of-factly.“Don’t youownthe business, or am I mistaken about your name being on the side of your work truck?”

Caught in a trap of his own making, he nodded.“I do, but—”

“But nothing.Look, how about we just have fun tonight and let whoever wants to talk, talk?Hmm?Because if you’re okay with me, and I’m okay with you, anything else is their problem.Right?”

Two hours later,Bryson watched Hadley peruse one of Izzy’s paintings.It was an oil painting of the ocean done in dark, stormy colors, a hint of sunlight breaking through the clouds far in the distance.A lone figure walked the beach, dark hair blowing in the wind.He found the painting as fascinating as Hadley, probably because the woman could have easily been her.White shorts, gray-blue top, long legs.Stark beauty braving the storm and staring at the light from above.

“Here you go,” he said, handing her the glass of wine she’d requested.

He sipped the club soda in his hand and asked about the painting.

“Izzy titled itThe Return,” Hadley said, sliding him a look over her shoulder.“The colors and tone are dark but…hopeful?”

“I can see that,” he said, meaning it.There was just something about the light in the sky and the way the woman was focused on it.

“Sooo, what do you think?”Isabel asked from behind them.

Noting the way the younger woman looked at Hadley, Bryson figured the question held more weight than the obvious.

“It’s lovely,” Hadley said.“The storm looks intense but your subject looks…unafraid.Strong.”

“Mmm,” Isabel said, smiling at the description.“I’m glad you think so.I saw you walking the beach when you first got here, right as a storm rolled in, and I knew I had to paint it.It amazed me how fast it came flooding out of me onto the canvas.”

“You mean it’s…me?”Hadley asked, her attention shifting from the artist to the painting.

“Yup.I almost titled itHadley’s Returnbut I figured you wouldn’t approve.”

A low huff of a laugh escaped Hadley and she shook her head.

“No, definitely not.I-I don’t know what to say.I’m flattered.It’s beautiful, Izzy.”

It was, so much so he made a mental note to inquire as to the price of it.

Someone called Hadley’s name, and they turned in unison to find a wall of people watching them.Hadley’s mother and the man Bryson remembered from years ago as her father, Tessa, Mary Elizabeth, and others.

“Oh, wow,” Hadley said with a nervous expression.

She glanced at him and pinned a smile to her lips as she faced them once more.

“Hello, everyone.”

“Hadley, don’t you look beautiful,” Mary Elizabeth said.“That color is gorgeous on you.”

“Thank you.I think we’re all looking particularly nice for Izzy’s showcase.”

“Aren’t you going to introduce us?”the man standing by Cheryl asked.

“Of course.Dad, this is Bryson James.Bryson, Jerry Dummit.”

“Nice to meet you, sir.”

“Likewise,” her father said, drawing Hadley close for a kiss on her cheek before shaking Bryson’s hand.

Hadley went on to introduce the others and Bryson shook hands and greeted everyone.That done, Bryson watched Hadley glance uncomfortably toward her mother while the other woman eyed him like roadkill.

“Have you had a chance to look around?Izzy’s work isa-mazing.I always knew she was talented, but I had no idea how far she’s grown as an artist in the last couple of years.You must be so proud,” Hadley said to Izzy’s parents and husband, hugging Izzy close to her side.

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