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Bryson lifted his head in a nod toward the man and knew in a heartbeat that Hadley’s ex was on a mission to be more again.If his body language hadn’t clued Bryson in, the predatory glare shot Bryson’s way was unmistakable.

And given the day he’d already had, the warning tipped Bryson’s anger into fist-clenching eagerness.

“I’m making lemonade,” Hadley said.

Bryson watched Kyle watching them but didn’t feel the relief he probably should that Hadley’s hand lightly tugged him deeper into the kitchen.

He’d always been okay with himself.His profession.His life.He had what he needed, more than he needed, and couldn’t complain.But when it came to being with a woman like Hadley, with her background and upbringing and expectations of those around her, it didn’t take a genius to figure out thathewas the square peg trying to fit into the round.“I can’t stay long,” he said to Hadley.“Something’s come up and I’m going to have take a rain check on dinner this evening.”

“Oh, Bryson, no, really?”

He could see Hadley’s upset and fought the urge to change his newly changed plans.Normally he wouldn’t have given the other man a foothold, but in this case, Bryson needed to know exactly where Hadley stood on her own, without him in the picture.If she went running back… “Problem on a jobsite.Can’t be helped,” he said, not really lying because there were always some sort of problems on every jobsite.It was an inevitable part of the construction business.

“Well, maybe we’ll see you around sometime this weekend then,” Kyle said.“I’d like to get to know Hadley’s…friends.”

“Yeah, maybe.”Bryson bent and kissed Hadley on the cheek.“Enjoy your kids,” he said, knowing she’d looked forward to the weekend like any loving mother would.

Hadley had talked about all the things they could do, places to go, what she’d cook for them.He’d found it sexy and endearing, knowing that if she ever came to love him, he’d get the same kind of special treatment.She was just that way.

Which meant now, if she had to choose…who would it be?

And as Mary Elizabeth’s long-lost son…how much of Hadley’s potential reconciliation was he going to have to watch?
