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Hadley stayed as far away from Kyle as possible, but he didn’t make it easy.As a group, they went for a walk on the beach, played board games, and listened to Max play guitar while sitting on the front porch enjoying the ocean breeze.

It wrenched her heart when she thought of how much she’d dreamed of this moment, mourned times like these after Kyle had made his choices known and the divorce had been in motion.And all she could think of now was how utterly cruel it was.Like sharp pokes to a painful bruise that had finally started to heal.

She couldn’t relax.At every turn, she felt Kyle staring at her, and despite his repeated attempts to get her alone, she’d made one excuse after another.Even going so far as to grab Max as he’d passed by for a hug that lasted so long she’d made Max uncomfortable.

And today…oh, today.

Her mother had invited them for lunch and swimming, and Hadley found herself forced to go along.Oh, she could’ve stayed behind and let the three of them go without her, but she hated to think what outrageous plan they’d cook up regarding her marital state without her there to vehemently protest.

Especially considering what had already happened with the planned surprise visit.

“Hadley, you look lovely.So nice to see you looking more like yourself,” her mother said as they entered the house.

Hadley looked down and realized she’d automatically worn what she and the cousins had long ago nicknamed “battle gear.”A term that meant something expensive and far too fancy for hot days at the beach but appropriate in her mother’s country club circles.

“She’s always beautiful,” Kyle said, his hand at her back and touch much too familiar.

Hadley stepped out of reach once more and noticed a flash of irritation in Kyle’s gaze before he quickly banked it.

No doubt her charming ex wasn’t used to being rebuffed.Before, she’d humiliated herself by begging him to stay, desperate to salvage her marriage.But now?

She felt like she stood on top of a high wire, with no balance beam to help guide her across the precipice.But even so, she was slowly moving forward.

“I thought we’d eat and chat and then change for swimming,” her mother continued.“Sound good to you?”

Of course.Because it would’ve been too shocking to just wear coverups over their swim clothes to make things easy.

“Kyle,” her father said, joining them.

Hadley watched as her father hesitated momentarily before accepting Kyle’s outstretched hand.

So that was it?They discovered her ex-husband had cheated on her but now they simply shook hands?All his bad behavior forgiven because of Kyle’s status, money, and a few sorrys made it so?“I need a drink.”

“It’s a little early for that, sweetheart,” Kyle said.

“Not for this day,” Hadley said without looking over her shoulder.

“I’ll have Tia make you a mimosa,” her mother said, walking with Hadley across the patio.

“I can make it myself.Don’t bother Tia.”

“That’s her job, Hadley,” her mother said as she followed Hadley into the kitchen.

Hadley turned and gave her mother a flat stare.“Really?It’s not enough that she cooks and cleans and runs your errands; you’re going to pull her from whatever duty she’s performing for you just so she can wait on me even though I’m perfectly capable of making my own drink?”

Cheryl crossed her arms over her chest and all pretense faded from her expression.

“Well, I can tell you’re in a mood.”

“Ha!Why wouldn’t I be?Howdareyou invite Kyle to what was going to be a fun, relaxing weekend with my children?One I’ve looked forward to forweeks?”

“He’s their father and your husband.”

“Ex-husband, which means he doesn’t get to tag along, nor doyouget to ruin my plans by overriding them with your own—which, by the way, you’d best end, because Kyle and I are not getting back together.”

“Hush,” Cheryl said, waving her hands at Hadley as though that alone would lower the volume at which she’d said the words.“Hadley, you have to hear him out.He’s quite contrite.”

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