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“Mom, hecheatedon me, and while at the time, I was willing to try working things out, time’s passed and that’s no longer the case.”

“Why?Because of that man?”

Hadley didn’t need her mother to specify the man she meant.“BecauseKylebroke my trust and he can’t ever get that back.”

“He can.You can get over this—if you stop pushing Kyle away and forgive him.Completely forgive him.It’s possible, Hadley.Your father is the perfect example of that very thing.”

Hadley sucked in a sharp breath, nearly choking in the process and a bit dizzy from the blast of the words.“What?”She blinked at her mother, thoughts racing.“Are you saying… Are you saying Dadcheatedon you?”

Her mother grabbed hold of her hand and pulled Hadley to the breakfast room table, shoving her into a chair with a glance at the empty doorway and those gathered on the patio beyond.

“No.Hadley, I-I’m ashamed to say this, and I wouldn’t if I didn’t think it might help you understand, but…your father is the one who forgave me.”

It was good thing she was sitting down.That was all Hadley could think when the world tilted on its axis a bit before righting itself.Nothing could have surprised her more than that verbal bomb.“You…?”

Tears filled her mother’s eyes, and for the first time—maybe the first time ever—Hadley saw her mother looking vulnerable and broken and completely exposed.Definitely not the Cheryl Dummit she presented to the world.

“Hadley, I was eighteen when I had you,” Cheryl murmured.“Your father began working for my father, which was wonderful, but he felt the need to prove himself, and that meant long hours and taking every assignment he could.Traveling far and wide.He was away so much and I was home alone with you and…”

Cheryl glanced up at Hadley but Hadley couldn’t speak.Didn’t know what to say.

“I was immature.Stupid.With a baby to care for and an absent husband, and…more than a little post-partum depression, I think, though in those days they didn’t know much about such things.”


“A hurricane came through while your father was out of town, and we had damage to the house and property.My father found and hired someone to fix things here and”—her mother paused, shaking her head—“I allowed that man to charm me.He was so different than your father, and he made me think your father was horrible for leaving me to handle everything alone.”

“I…don’t know what to say.”

“Hadley, I take full responsibility for my actions, but I allowed a handsome face and a few compliments to overwhelm my common sense, and I regret what I allowed to happen every single day of my life.”

“That’s why you’re so freaked out about Bryson,” Hadley said.

“It is,” her mother said softly.“I see you, Hadley.I see you makingmymistakes.”

“I’m not married,” Hadley countered.

“No, but you have to open your eyes.If you were in my shoes, wouldn’t you be concerned?If it were Abby running toward a fire rather than away?”

Hadley closed her eyes and ran her fingers through her loose hair, shoving it back from her face just to give herself time to collect her thoughts.“Mom…I get what you’re saying but I’m not eighteen.And your situation isn’t the same as mine.”

“Isn’t it?You are reeling from a divorce you readily admit you didn’t want, and you’ve just inherited a home worth well over a million dollars, not to mention the money Nan left you.Hadley, for your own sake and that of your children, your future, I’m begging you to stop this nonsense with that man now.Give yourself time to regain clarity.”

Hadley stared at her mother, the perfect hair and makeup, the perfect clothes, home, life.Not a thing out of place.Except perhaps for Hadley and her rebellious ways.“I have clarity.Maybe for the first time ever in my adult life,” she countered.

“You’re kidding yourself then.Sweetheart, your father forgave me, and if he could do that, so can you.You can forgive Kyle and patch things up.You know it would be best for everyone.”

Hadley drew back, shaking her head as the knot in her stomach grew at the thought.“No, it’s not best for everyone.It’s best foryouand maybe Kyle but…why?Are you really that much of a snob that you think Bryson is somehow beneath me?”

“That man—”

“Has a name,” Hadley said.“Bryson.You can say it.”

Hadley glared at her mother before shoving herself to her feet.She paced across the room, unable to sit still and pretend her mother hadn’t just rocked her world with her admission of an affair.

“Hadley, please, sit down.”

“I can’t.Do you have any idea of how badly you’ve hurt me?Angered me?”
