Page 157 of Empire of Ash

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The two of us stop cold, glaring at each other as the seconds tick by.

It’s Oliver that breaks the silence, nodding at the bottle and two glasses Kevin’s set out on the coffee table.

“Still drinking the Glenlivet twenty-five-year, I see?”

I snort, stepping into the room and closing the doors behind me.

“It was good enough when we were twenty-two. It’s good enough now.”

He chuckles as he reaches for the bottle, pouring us both a glass.

“If I remember, it’s also all that—”

“Thomas ever drank,” I growl quietly, sitting on the couch opposite Oliver.

He nods, handing me a glass. There’s another second of silence before we finally clink glares.

“To Thomas,” he says quietly.

“To Thomas.”

We drink slowly, letting the silence sit there with us.

“I appreciate you dropping the sale price of those shares.”

He nods. “Ten percent is a fair tax for me to pay. I admit I went too far with this, Noel. And I’m sorry.”

I look away.

“We’ve both gone too hard for too long, Oliver. I can admit that as well.”

We both take another slow sip.

“Thank you,” he grunts quietly. “I appreciate you saying that.”

“I shouldn’t have ever pursued Matilde,” I sigh. “I knew you wanted her.”

“Yes, but so did you.”

I smile wryly. “Mostly just because I knew taking her would piss you off.”

His mouth thins, but he shakes it off, sighing as he knocks back the rest of his drink. I do the same, motioning to the bottle after.

“Please,” Oliver nods as I pour a fresh splash into both of our glasses.

“I had no right to be such a sore loser about it, though,” he grunts. “I lost, and I should have taken that like a man. Instead, I went after her when I knew you two were having trouble and purposefully seduced her. That was wrong of me, Noel.”

I sigh, but I shake my head.

“It’s the past, Prince. It can stay there. It doesn’t keep me up at night.”

“I can’t imagine why not,” he mutters dryly, giving me a sly smile.

I chuckle. “Do you think Thomas would have killed me if he were still here?”


Oliver shakes his head.
