Page 34 of Collision

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Chapter seven


“Where did Ben go?” Jamie rolls over onto his stomach, stretching out, before propping himself up with his elbows as he runs his hands over his tired eyes and looks over to where I’m sitting.

I haven’t slept for a second. My heart still pounds like a jackhammer in my chest every time I close my eyes and my mind plays tricks on me; convincing me his fingers are still holding my hips or brushing over my thighs, and his lips are pressed against my throat, or gliding over my own. I can’t close my eyes without drowning in Ben.

So instead, I did the safest thing and stayed awake. Now I sit with my knees up, my pyjama top stretched over my legs, and a coffee trapped in my hands. My eyes feel dry and itchy as exhaustion scratches at their surface, and I chew on my lower lip, trying desperately not to think about the way my body ached when he pulled it between his teeth.

Jamie walks over, pulling a chair out from beneath the breakfast table and sitting beside me. Slowly, he places a hand over mine and lowers my mug to the table as his voice brushes over me and cocoons me in its warmth.

“Mik. What’s wrong?”

When I look at him, panic floods my senses. With his eyes wide and worried and his hand resting on mine, I feel a surge of heat behind my cheeks and my head whirs with thoughts of Ben’s lips on my neck, his fingers pulling pain and pleasure from my hips.

My brother’s best friendkissedme.

Ikissed my brother’s best friend.

Jamie waits as I blink back the memories and shove them deep inside the recesses of my mind, calling on anything else I can find to replace them.

“Josh called.” I blurt out the first thought that comes to mind that isn’t consumed by how gentle Ben’s kiss had started and a furious blush spreads over my cheeks as the truth sits silently between us, waiting to explode.

Josh called and then I made out with your best friend while you were passed out on the couch.

“I thought he would.” Jamie shrugs as he gets to his feet and begins rummaging in one of the boxes markedfood.

“You did?” I push out an awkward laugh and cringe at how forced it sounds. If Jamie notices, he doesn’t say anything.


I roll my eyes at my brother’s indifference. “And what made you so sure?”

Jamie grins. “Because he called me and asked about you.”

Slowly, I bring my mug back to my lips feeling a wave of nausea and flutters of nerves. “Oh.”

Jamie cheers loudly as he yanks a box of Cheerios from beneath a pile of jars and I jump in my chair.

“So when’s the date?”

God, he’s chipper.


Jamie nods and smiles over his shoulder as he retrieves a bowl and the milk from my fridge. “I’m out of town for the night.”

My brow furrows and I frown at him. “Out of town?”

“Yeah.” He watches me as he raises a spoonful of cereal to his lips, a mischievous smirk appearing for just a second, and I can’t help but grin. “For work.”

“Doesworkhave a name?”

A flash of boyish excitement spreads across Jamie’s face as he pretends to zip his lips.

“Right.” I shake my head and push myself to my feet, moving to my bedroom to get ready for work. “You’ll be back Saturday though?”

“I’ll be back Saturday.”
