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Her eyes roll, then she yawns and leans forward to put the ice cream on the coffee table. Stretching her arms above her head, she lets out a breathy moan. “I’m exhausted. I feel like I’ve run a marathon and I haven’t done anything but work.”

The thing is… for Emery, I want to be a romantic guy. I want to make her feel special, and fuck, I want to make her feel everything. All the emotions she keeps trying to run from. I want to break down the wall around her heart that she’s built up ten feet tall. I’ve always had a thing for her. I wasn’t joking when I said that, I meant it, and I know right now, if I tell her that, then she’s going to shut down, and push me away.

But the truth is… I hoped our hookup would turn into more. I didn’t want to be the hook up guy any longer. I guess that might make me soft, but I don’t give a shit. I want this to be real. I want Emery, me, and our babies to be a real family. I don’t just want her to meet my mama, pretending to be engaged; I want to meet her and things between us bereal.

I’m going to change her mind, no matter how long it takes. I’m going to show her how good we are together.

“Are you busy?”

Emery’s voice floats through the phone full of apprehension. “Uh, well it’s nine p.m. and I just put on Good Girls, so…yes?”

“Well, could you come somewhere with me? You can wear your pajamas if you want, including the bunny slippers.”

There’s a thump through the speaker. “Like… right now? At this very second?”

“Yep. I was kinda hoping you’d say yes, so I’m already halfway to your house.”

She groans, which makes me smile, because that means she’s going to say yes.

After our conversation a couple days ago, I thought about what kind of ring I would get Emery, and while I could probably buy the most expensive ring in Harry Winston, that doesn’t mean she’s going to like it.

Fake or not, I want her to love the ring she’s wearing.

Call it what you will, it’s something I’m not changing my mind about.

“This better be good, Adams, Rio is the only man I want to see right now.”

Who the fuck is Rio? I make a mental note to ask her as soon as I see her.

When I pull up to her house, walk up the drive, and knock, it only takes her half a minute to open the door. It actually flies open, and she steps out, wearing a tank top and jean shorts, paired with a simple pair of sandals.

Her cheeks are flushed, and she looks like she just crawled out from under the covers. Simply put, she looks so fucking cute I want to bring her right back through that door and give her a real reason to have the flush on her cheeks.

“Hi.” I grin.

“Hi. You gonna tell me where we’re going?”

“Nope,” I gesture to the truck, “but we need to get going or we’re going to be late.”

She eyes me suspiciously for a moment, but then brushes past me to my truck. Following closely behind her, I reach around and open the door before she can, helping her inside the cab.

Our ride is short, only a few blocks over from her suburbia house. I drive us downtown and find the closest parking garage to our destination.

When she sees where I’ve brought her, she looks at me with her mouth agape.

“No way. Hell no, Adams. This is not happening.”

Smirking, I lace my hand in hers and tug before she can protest. Harry Winston is lit up brightly for this time of night, and when I knock, the manager, Barry, opens the door with a gracious smile and welcomes us inside.

“Mr. Adams, Ms. Davidson, good evening and welcome to Harry Winston.”

I shake his hand and glance at Emery, who’s chewing on her lip in thought. Her wide blue eyes scan the glass cases of diamonds, and she looks about two seconds from bolting.

Walking over to her, I stand right in front of her and lift her chin with my thumb.

“You need a ring. This is the place to get a ring, Em.”

She shakes her head. “Yeah, Harry freaking Winston, Graham? God, these rings probably cost more than my house. Did you rent out the entire place just for this?”
