Page 26 of Way Too Close

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Thirteen: The Misanthropist


Xochitl had been grateful for the call from her web designer. It put off the inevitable for at least a little longer, having to engage alone with Lex in their dorm for the first time. Admittedly now that they’d gotten past that first awkward exchange, the one she knew they’d be having at some point, the thought of being alone with him felt less daunting. But this whole situation was still one that would take a while to get used to. She could kick herself now for having told Cade about her night with Lex way back when the kick in the gut had been so raw still. Since she and Cade had been friends for so long and before they’d ever gotten romantically involved, theystilltold each other everything. All their breakups had always been amicable. It’s the one thing they vowed they’d do when they decided to make their friendship more than just that. They didn’t want to lose what they’d once had over some silly breakup or one that made sense like when they broke up when she went away to school. Ironically the night of the wedding when Lex had asked her if there was aheshe would’ve brought, it’d been Cade she’d been referring to. Despite them being broken up and him seeing someone else already at the time, she knew he would’ve been willing to accompany her to the wedding. They probably would’ve gotten a two-bed hotel room even and it wouldn’t have been awkward. That’s how close they’d always been.

As promised, way back even though they’d broken up, they still kept very much in touch. They were good friends after all. It’s why when she’d needed to vent about Lex and doing so with Vannah, her closest friend now was out of the question, Cade had as always been there to lend an ear. At the time she had zero intentions of even being around Lexeveragain. How in the world could she have guessed that two years later and after getting back together with Cade, Lex would end up being her roommate? The conversation she’d had with Cade about who’d she’d be rooming with for the next semester was probably more uncomfortable than the one she’d had with Lex today. She’d explained about how cornered into it she’d been and how there’d been no way she could back out once all was said and done. Cade thought she should’ve just come clean with Vannah. He even said it’d been rude of Vannah to just dump her brother on Xochitl without asking if she’d be okay with it first. Xochitl assured him that wasn’t the case. Sure, technically Vannah hadn’t asked her but after two years of hearing Xochitl bitch and moan about her roommates, she was certain her bestie thought she was doinghera favor. If anyone knew firsthand Xochitl wouldn’t be looking forward to having to break in a new roommate, it was Vannah. After seeing how much fun she’d had at her wedding hanging out with Lex, Vannah likely just assumed Xochitl would be all for it. Especially since her friend had no idea what had really gone down between them that night. So, on top of everything else she’d be dealing with when it came to this new living arrangement, she now had to deal with a boyfriend who knew she’d once upon a time had begun to fall for Lex—her hot new roommate. He rarely called more than once a day. Especially during a week when he was busy moving into his new place. But she had a feeling the calls would be increasing now that he knew Lex had arrived. It’s why she stood up and took the call in her room. After explaining about her issues with her website he got right to it. “So, how’s it been? Did he say anything about that night you two had?”

“He did actually.” When he didn’t say anything Xochitl went on. “I guess the girl I saw him with was drunk.” She explained the rest keeping it as short and to the point as she could. “And he apologized. Says he’d been trying to all this time but like I told you, I never listened to his voicemails or read his texts.”

“And you believe him?”

“Cade.” She lowered her voice again. “One of the reasons I felt so stupid that night is because I’ve always considered myself an excellent judge of character. I couldn’t believe I’d been so off. It turned out I hadn’t been, and yes I believe him because I saw and heard the sincerity from him today.”

“Which means the feelings you’d begun to have for him that night were requited.” “Two years ago.”

He was quiet for a moment as Xochitl squeezed her eyes shut. If anyone knew two years didn’t mean shit, it was Xochitl. Her heart had nearly burst through her chest when she’d first laid eyes on him today. And it hadn’t stopped thundering since. But she’d stick to her guns here. “Is he in a relationship now?”

“Didn’t even ask,” she shot back immediately, though because of Vannah, even though she lied to Izel about it, she knew Lex wasn’t in a relationship.

She heard him exhale. “Look, babe. I don’t want to bethatinsecure boyfriend, but you and I have known each other too long. I know you better than you know yourself sometimes. When you told me about what happened between you two, I’d never heard you like that. It wasn’t the first time you’d shared with me about meeting someone else, but it was theonlytime I’d ever heard such heaviness—such disappointment—suchhurt. After just one night, Soch.”

“Technically, it was more than one night,” Xochitl countered. “There were several events leading up to that night where we’d also hung out. I just fixated on that night because it was the one where we got to dance, and he’d said all those nice things to me. But it’s been two years, Cade.” She knew it was silly, but she actually crossed her fingers before she added the next part and squeezed her eyes shut hoping she could pull this off. “I’ve been over it for a long time.” She left out that he wouldn’t have to be that insecure boyfriend for much longer. Because he was right. He did know her better than she knew herself sometimes. If she was feeling bad about stringing Cade along before, she’d feel even worse now. Seeing and feeling everything she had already, after only a few hours around Lex, she knew breaking up with Cade was inevitable. Even when she’d told Izel earlier that she might reconsider not breaking up with Cade, she’d had to put on her poker face.

Xochitl also knew, especially after this conversation that both Izel and Cade would immediately think she was doing it because of, if notforLex. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. Despite how sweet and sincere Lex had been today, Xochitl could not,wouldnot, let her guard downthateasily. Seeing how fast Lex was getting chummy with the girls in the dorms already was a perfect reminder of why she refused. “What are you guys up to now?”

“I told you. I was on the phone with my web designer getting walked through tweaking the issues on my website.” She paused to peek out the door when she thought she heard Lex talking to someone. There was someone at the open dorm door but with Lex’s big frame she couldn’t make out who it was, so she went back to answering Cade’s question. “I think he’s watching the ballgame. But now that I got my website squared away, I’m gonna work on that for a while. I’m guessing he’ll finish watching the game, but he mentioned that he’d be calling it an early night because he has practice early tomorrow morning.”

After satisfying all of Cade’s questions she promised to call him tomorrow to let him know how her first night with her new roomie had gone and was off the phone. She walked out into her room and Lex who was still at the door, turned when he heard her. His turning allowed her to see who it was he was talking to. Refraining from rolling her eyes when she saw who it was, she didn’t say a word as she walked to the sink. “Smell it,” Annette said, and Xochitl gave into the temptation of looking up to see what the hell she was asking him to smell. A pillow. “I spritzed it with my perfume, so you’ll have sweet dreams.”

Once again Xochitl had to abstain from rolling her eyes, but she couldn’t help smirk as Lex brought the pillow to his nose and smelled it. “Nice.”

“It’s called Guilty Pleasures.” This time Xochitl had to stifle a giggle. Given the frustration she’d seen and heard from him today when she’d mentioned his sisters still making him out to be such a smooth-talking flirt, she was sure he was none too happy she was hearing this. He’d been here all of half a day, and already whatever he’d said to this girl he’d just met, had her bringing him gifts with major innuendos. She walked over to the table and sat down in front of her laptop as she listened to him turn down the invitation to get fish tacos with the girl and thanked her for the gift.

Staring at her laptop, Xochitl attempted to squelch the temptation to not keep her thoughts and opinions to herself.Don’t do it. Don’t say anything. He closed the door and the moment she could see he’d turned around and was facing her, though she hadn’t looked up from her laptop screen, the words flew out. “Well, that was fast.” Stubborn idiot.

“Her visit?” he asked. “It wasn’t actually a visit she was just dropping this off.”

Xochitl kept her eyes on the screen but of course was incapable of keeping her thoughts to herself. “I meant you made friends fast.”

Unlike when they spoke earlier, his chuckle now sounded a little ingenuine. “Not reallyfriends. Met her at the gym today.”

Now Xochitl looked up and tried smiling as genuinely as she could. “And I see she brought you a gift already.”

“She did.” He motioned the pillow at her. “Good thing too. I forgot to bring one.” He explained what he’d told Annette about having to get some sleep for his early practice tomorrow and how she’d said a lot of students forget to bring one. “She had extras, so she brought me one.”

“How very thoughtful of her.” Xochitl went back to staring at her screen though she wasn’t looking at anything in particular. It was just hard to look at him for very long, especially when he flashed those damn dimples without the fear of him noticing how atypically dreamy eyed it made her feel.

“You know her?”

“I’ve seen her around.” This time she typed something into the search bar, so she’d look like she was really doing something.

“She said she’s talked to you before, but I noticed you didn’t address her at all.” She glanced up and didn’t miss the smirk. “You not like her or something? Seems nice enough to me.”

I’m sure she does. “There’s an app.” She picked up her phone. “As a matter of fact, I should check it.” She picked up her phone and tapped the screen. “There’s a laundry app specifically designed so we don’t have to stay in the laundry room while our clothes are washing. It alerts you when your wash is ready to be moved over to the dryer and then when they’re done in the dryer. Mine are still in the rinse cycle.” She put her phone down and glanced up at him. “It’s also so others don’t have to wait fifteen, twenty minutes after your clothes are done for you to free up a washer or dryer. I told you, you’d be surprised how often they’re all in use, and there’s nothing more annoying than seeing there’s a load done and whoever put it in, is in no hurry to come free up the machine. There’s no excuse for it and it’s rude as hell since the app alerts you.” She motioned toward the door. “She’s one of the worst ones. I had to wait several times for her ass to come get her clothes out. First time, I was nice enough to remind her about the app and asked if she used it. After the third time I took her damn clothes out and left them on the counter.” Xochitl swallowed hard nearly losing her train of thought when he laughed, and those damn dimples got buried so deep into his cheeks. She cleared her throat and went on. “The app also alerts you when the doors to the machines your clothes are in are opened, so you know if someone’s getting into your wash. It’s how I know she uses it, just chooses to ignore it until she’s good and ready. That day she rushed in after I’d opened the door and pulled all her clothes out. It was during finals, and I didn’t have time to stand around and wait for inconsiderate jerks. Told her I’d do it again,but.” She lifted a finger when he laughed again. “Iwas considerate enough to inform her what my usual laundry day was and suggested she might want to do hers on a different day.” She shrugged, figuring she may as well admit this now. He’d find out sooner or later. “I can be a bit of a misanthropist. People have to grow on me for me to like them. But then you go and do things like being a total selfish ass and forget about it. You’re on my shitlist for life.”

“No wonder she said—” He seemed to catch himself as Xochitl peered at him waiting to hear what this bitch had said. “Well, that she didn’t think you were uh . . .fondof her.”

Xochitl huffed, glancing back at her screen. “That’s putting it lightly.” She’d keep to herself that she now had a new and even bigger reason to detest his newfriend.

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