Page 34 of Flight Plan

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Chapter Ten


The next several days were bright and sunny, allowing Ava and Jack to explore the property.

“Hey, neighbor,” called a female voice from a raised stone platform.

Ava recognized the voice of Rosa Hathaway. Rosa’s husband, Clifford, the auction house owner and antiques dealer, stood up as best man for Brock.

“Hey.” Ava debated whether she should keep walking. Rosa had a big personality, which Ava dealt with being around military guys, but Rosa was so very girly with the eyelash extensions and perfectly styled hair.

“You’re Ava! Right?”

“Yeah.” She steered Jack toward the house.


Ava heard the clack-clack of Rosa’s shoes ringing against the stone. Apparently, the platform had a lower level.

“Why don’t you two come over? Have lemonade. My son’s the same age as yours.”

Oh right. The Hathaways had a son.Keeping Jack entertained while on the property consumed a large amount of time and effort; maybe meeting a friend would be nice for him. Placing her hand on his shoulder, stilling him, she turned and looked up at Rosa. The woman’s silhouette, clad in white shorts, a billowy blouse, and a large floppy hat, was backlit by the rising sun, indicating the time at nearly noon.

Rosa pointed. “Come around this way to the gate.”

By the time she and Jack wandered that way and walked through the gate, Rosa met them there, holding her cell phone between her pointed, hot-pink nails.

“Yeah, so,” Ava tried to sound casual, “your son’s home?”

“Yes, Miguel’s just inside.” Rosa spoke into her phone. “Miguel, come outside. There is someone I want you to meet.”

As Ava climbed to the higher platform, the view of the Hathaways’ property came into view. This had been a modern build, done in the last couple of decades. The infinity pool and stone terraces were outstanding. Glancing at the mansion, her eyes grew. She recalled the home from the street view, looking traditional, but this portion facing the ocean was a wall of darkly tinted glass.

“I’m so happy to have seen you. Cliff told me Brock invited Wesley Scott to take up residence for the summer. I didn’t know you would be here as well. Have you two been seeing each other since the wedding?”

“What?” Ava choked. “No. No there is nothing like that between me and Wes.” She shot a look at Jack. He grinned up at her with hope in his eyes. “I work for him. I’m a helicopter pilot.”

“Oh, my gawd.” Rosa placed her jeweled hand over her heart. “That thing is so loud. It is going to be here all summer?”

“It is.”

“My gawd.” Before Rosa could complain more, a boy waltzed out the door, dressed same as Jack, in loose-fitting athletic wear. “Ah, baby, this is Ava and her son…”


They ran through their names, so everyone got acquainted.

“Want to see my room?” Miguel asked, seeming pleased to have met a new friend.

Ava bit her lip, wondering whether Rosa wanted them wandering through the house.

“Go on, boys.” Rosa waved at them. “Get a snack, too, if you’re hungry.” After the boys entered the house, she led Ava to a pair of lounge chairs on the highest platform with the best view.

“Come, sit. Let’s have a chat. Do you want some lemonade? Ramon, our resident chef and nutritionist, makes it fresh all summer.” She dropped her voice, low and husky. “It’s my weakness.”

“Sure. That sounds nice. Thanks.” In the blistering heat, she wasn’t going to deny her raging thirst.

After texting Ramon, Rosa arranged the pillows and sat, swinging her dark, shapely legs onto the lounge chair.
