Page 72 of Uncharted

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“And I hang around cops.”


“Okay, let’s make a bet.”

“This oughta be interesting.” I smiled when she giggled. “Just remember,” I told her, “last time, I beat you. So don’t be too upset when you lose again.”

“You’re so cocky.”

I grinded against her perfect ass again.

She ignored my effort to distract her, but I could hear the smile when she said, “We’re gonna make our own secret code with a letter wordplay competition.” She turned to face me. “I’ll start with Vitamin A. Then you’ll prompt me for B. And we proceed until we determine who the victor is. Crudest one wins.” Her beaming smile made it difficult to say no to. “Then whenever we want those things, we’ll just tell each other, I need some Vitamin A or whatever it is we want. Make sense?”


She giggled and said. “For example, if I said to you, ‘I want some vitamin D,’ you’d secretly know I want your dick.”

My bark of laughter escaped without warning. “Okay. Makes sense now. This is going to be entertaining.”

“I know!” She grinned. “Okay, you first. What does Vitamin Areallystand for?”

“Ass,” I said without having to think. She nodded her agreement.

Then I asked her, “What about Vitamin B. What does it secretly mean for our code?”

“Boobs,” she said without missing a beat.

“Vitamin C?” she asked.

“Cookie,” I said.

“Coochie,” she retorted.

I grinned. “My favorite part on you is your cookie. Your clit.”

She looked around and beamed when she saw no one was near enough to hear us. “Cunt!” she practically squealed.

I sucked in a surprised breath and beamed. “You dirty, wicked minx.” She laughed as she slapped at my chest, very obviously humored by our little game. “Okay, your turn. Vitamin D,” I prompted her.

“Wait! I didn’t win with the C-word?”

“Nope.” I shook my head. “That one was way too easy.”

“Lame.” She pouted with her lip puffed out.

“Not lame. You said we had to agree.”

“Fine,” she conceded.

“Vitamin D,” I said, bringing us back to our little game.

“Dick. We already agreed on that one though,” she said. I nodded my agreement. “Vitamin E?” She looked very excited about this one. I couldn’t understand why. How was the letter E sexual in any way, shape, or form?

I scrunched up my face. “Ear?” I asked, thinking maybe we were going to kinky-town on this one.

“Ew! Try again.”

I knew my first guess was way off base. Maybe I would have more luck with the next one. But I was still uncertain as I suggested, “Elbow?”
