Page 59 of Flawless Desire

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“I don’t know what else to do with it. I guess I’ll give it back to him tomorrow at work. Or leave it on his desk so I don’t have to look him in the eye.”

“Wow.” Kelsey shakes her head. “Your life is way more interesting than it was last week.”

And she doesn’t know the half of it.

“What if he calls?” she asks, cocking her head. “Will you go out with him again?”

“Nope.” I grit my teeth, determined. “He had his chance. If he has better things to do than ravish me while I’m literally right there in front of him, then let him. I’m not getting involved again.”

“Reeeaaallly?” Kelsey doesn’t look convinced.

“Really.” I insist. “I do have some pride left. And self-respect.”

“Good for you. Stay strong,” she cheers, shoveling the rest of her pizza into her mouth. “Look, I have to go to the salon for a wedding updo, but when I get back, you and I should go out.”

I sigh and look down at myself. Old sweatpants. Even older robe. I look like crud. I feel worse. “I don’t know.”

“I’m not taking no for an answer! You need to move on, leave the bastard billionaire behind.” She grabs her stuff. “Take a shower! I’ll be back by six.”

She’s right. I need to leave him behind.

When she’s gone, I go into the bathroom and turn the water on. Slipping out of my robe, I catch a glimpse of my ass in the mirror.

Mottled red. Marked by him.

I rub lightly at it, wishing it away. Not that that helps. Bastard.

Kelsey’s right. I need to leave him behind.

I take a long shower, trying to scrub away the desire still prickling beneath my skin. I’m just toweling off, when there’s a knock at the door.

I freeze.

What if it’s Caleb?

My heart races as I edge closer. Should I let him in? What could he want? Should I—

I peek through the peephole. And my heart comes back down to earth with a thump.

It’s Olivia.

Suddenly, reality comes crashing back in.

I’ve been so swept up in desire, consumed with Caleb and our crazy sexual connection that I’ve forgotten why I’m at Sterling Cross in the first place.

My secret assignment: Catching Caleb in the act.

I quickly collect myself and open the door. “Hi, Olivia! I didn’t expect you.”

“Sorry to drop by like this,” she says, giving me a smile. “How are things? Can you talk?”

“Sure.” I stand aside and invite her in. “Sorry about the mess,” I add quickly, knowing this place is nothing compared to her spotless mansion.

“Are you kidding? It’s so cute. Eclectic.” Olivia flashes another smile. “I heard you made an appearance with Caleb at the museum event. How ever did you manage that?”

I gulp. “He was the one who suggested it. I was working late, I’m sure I was just the nearest warm body around.”

“Yes, well… Anything that gets you closer to the truth.” Olivia’s smile looks a little more pinched, but she quickly continues, “Have you been able to get a look at his phone yet?”
