Page 56 of Flawless Prize

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Caleb Sterling isn’t a man to ever admit defeat, so I can’t imagine what he’s facing to be talking like this.

“Still, at least Nero Barretti is dealt with,” I offer, trying to look on the bright side. “That’s one problem down. And if you can handle him, you can handle anything.”

“I wish it were that simple.”

We both turn to see Logan arriving, with a grave look on his face.

“What do you mean?” I ask, getting a very bad feeling.

“I just got word. Nero’s out.”

I gasp.

“Out?” Caleb asks, rising to his feet. “How the hell is that possible? The feds said they had a list of crimes a mile long.”

“How does any mobster get off?” Logan looks grim. “Money, connections, the best lawyers his dirty cash can buy.”

He grabs a remote and turns on the TV mounted to the wall. The very first news station he finds is carrying the development live: Nero Barretti, leaving the courthouse, surrounded by his cadre of lawyers.

“Fuck.” Caleb slams the table, making me jump.

The camera pans to one of the attorneys, surrounded by press microphones, as he says, “Nero Barretti adamantly denies these charges and will be filing charges of his own against Mr. Sterling, for slander.” He waves legal paperwork around. “We have all the documents to prove that the Barretti family entered into a legitimate investment with Sterling Cross and has been paid according to contract.”

I turn to Caleb. “What is he saying?”

Caleb shakes his head. “Those contracts have to be forged. There’s no way that blackmail is standing up in court.”

But it’s not the paperwork I’m worried about. I catch a glimpse of Nero’s expression as he fights his way through photographers and slides into a black car. He looks purposeful and sharp.

Like a man who won’t be bested.

“What does this mean?” I ask, shivering. “Do you think he’ll come after us again?”

“No.” In an instant, Caleb is at my side. He wraps his arms around me, protective. “You’ll be safe. There’s no way I’m letting that animal get to you again.” He looks to Logan. “We’re going to need private security. Twenty-four seven.”

“That’s not necessary,” I try to protest, but Caleb talks over me.

“You take the first shift, while I make the calls. Take her to my place, it should be safe for now, I’ll tell the building to post extra protection until the team arrives.”

“Caleb!” I pull away. “Really, you don’t have to—”

“No arguments,” he cuts me off, face set like steel. “I’m not changing my mind, so don’t waste both our time. You’re going to be locked down tighter than the fucking Sterling vault.”

I see it in his eyes, this is serious.

“Fine,” I sigh, as if I have a choice. “But I have work to do—”

“No. Home. Now.”

Caleb’s eyes drill into me. “Please,” he adds, lowering his voice. “I can’t focus on any of this bullshit until I know you’re safe,” he says, gesturing to the desk.

I want to stay with him and help, but I know, it’s a fight I’ll lose.

I gather my things together, wish Caleb good luck with his paperwork, and head out with Logan.

“Hey,” Logan says as we descend in the elevator. “It’ll be okay.”

I probably shouldn’t be as worried as I am. Logan can more than take care of the both of us, and from the bulge under his jacket, he’s packing heat. If anyone comes near me, he’ll probably rip the guy’s head off. He certainly doesn’t seem scared at all.
