Page 76 of Flawless Prize

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“What did you just say?”Nero asks. I’m not sure if he’s more confused by my presence in the line of fire or because of what I just said.

“Caleb’s your brother. Your half-brother,” I explain. “You have the same father!”

There’s a pause, as both Caleb and Nero process the bombshell revelation.

“That’s a lie,” Caleb growls, looking furious.

“No,” I plead with them. “It’s true. Annette was having an affair with Roman. I found their love letters up at the cabin. They were going to run away together. But then she must have found out she was pregnant, and she had second thoughts. She stayed.”

“No.” Nero looks grim, in agreement with Caleb.

“I swear.” I tell them. “Don’t you see? It all makes sense. The bad blood between Roman and Jacob. The reason Roman kept coming after him for the money, even after they were supposed to settle their debt. Jacob kept the one thing he wanted more than anything, and Roman was determined to make him pay.”

Caleb shakes his head, taking it all in. “We’re… Related?”

“Yes.” I say. I can’t imagine what this news means to him—to both of them —but there’s no time to go into it now. Not with lives hanging in the balance. The slightest spasm on their trigger fingers… Everything could be over.

“This is bigger than an old feud.” I tell them both, trying to hide my fear. “You’re family. Connected. You have to stop and put your guns down right now!”

Caleb looks like he’s considering it. His hand wavers, and I will him to see reason now.

But then Nero’s voice comes, harsh. “It doesn’t matter if we’re blood. A debt’s a debt. And everyone knows what a Barretti does if you don’t settle what’s owed.”

He raises his gun again, and I snap.

“Will you quit it with this family honor bullshit?” I explode, frustrated enough to challenge him head-on. “This is what got your parents into this mess in the first place! You’re all wasting time on petty vendettas that should be ancient history. Roman was determined to get revenge on the Sterlings, and Jacob was too proud to pay the man what he was owed!”

“So you admit it.” Nero scowls. “The Sterlings owe me.”

“What I’ll admit is that I don’t understand why you’re risking everything like this,” I turn on him, gathering all my courage. The mob boss. The criminal.

The man who is standing between me and my forever with Caleb.

Because if I can’t get these two to see reason right now… It’ll never end. We’ll never be able to stop looking over our shoulders. Nero will always find a way to make Caleb pay.

That’s not the life I want.

It’s not the future I deserve.

I remember what my mom told me. That I have to be brave and go after what I want. And if Nero’s standing in the way of my life with Caleb, than I have to find a way to make him see what makes sense.

Our lives depend on it.

“You’re a smart man,” I begin, my mind racing to find the words he can’t deny. “You wouldn’t be running this empire if you weren’t. So what are you playing at, coming after Caleb when he’s proven he’s never going to give in to your demands? All you’re doing is opening yourself up to attack, giving the Feds an opening to take you down. Because I’m sure this blackmail is the least of your crimes. Do you really want them sniffing around the rest of your business?”

“She’s right.” Caleb adds, but I’m not done yet.

“And you,” I add, turning to Caleb. “You think this obsession is helping you keep control over your company? Sebastian Wolfe will keep on coming for you whether you get Nero to back down or not. You’re so damn stubborn, you could lose everything just out of the principle of the matter! You’re more alike than you even know!”

My voice echoes in the empty room. Both men stay deathly silent for a moment, and I catch my breath, wondering if I’ve just put my foot in my mouth—and signed my death warrant.

What was I thinking, marching in here and bossing the most fearsome men in New York around?

Then Nero speaks, cool and controlled. “Since you’ve got all the answers, what do you propose? He owes me.”

“I’m not paying.”
