Page 21 of Paws Off

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Her eyes are shimmering with tears as she nods her head. "Oh, Stone. Yes! Yes, yes, I will marry you."

My heart feels lighter than it has in days at hearing Mia agree to be my wife.

Jeremy is still gawking at us, so I eye him warily, waiting for his reaction. His mouth works, but no words come out.

When he's finally able to speak, he asks, "How long has this been going on?"

I answer him truthfully. "I wanted Mia from the moment I first saw her. I knew she was the one, but then I found out she was your sister."I shake my head. "I didn't think you'd be cool with that, man, so we've been denying our feelings for each other because we didn't want to upset you."

I look at him cautiously, trying to gauge my best friend's reaction to this bombshell we've just dropped on him.

His eyes flick between us until they finally land on Mia."Do you love him?"

Mia blushes as she looks up at me. "Yes, I do."

Jeremy turns his question to me. "You love my sister?"

I don't even hesitate. "With every fiber of my being."

There's a long moment of silence while Mia and I stare into each other's eyes with Jeremy watching on. It's all out in the open now, and while I pray he accepts it, I'm not giving her up either way.

Jeremy finally clears his throat. "Well, when I said I wanted us to be a family, this isn't exactly what I meant." He gives me a wry smile."Guess we’re truly going to be bros then." He grins.

"Yeah," I exhale, and my shoulders relax. I’m relieved beyond measure that he's taking this all so well.

"You're going to have to do right by my baby sis, though," he tells me sternly. "Give her a proper wedding. I'll be the best man," he volunteers.

"Only if you agree not to take me to a strip club or something," I tell him seriously.

Jeremy looks at me with respect in his eyes. "You know it all makes sense now. Ever since you got into town, you weren't into going out with me. I have to say it pleases the hell out of me now that I know that the chick you've been digging on is my sister."

"So, you're okay with all of this?" Mia asks him cautiously.

Jeremy nods. "Yes, Mia. You were right. You're not a little kid anymore, but you'll always be my baby sis. I’m okay with this because I know Stone. I know he's a great man, and you'll be in good hands with him. I wouldn't trust my sister to anyone else," he tells me with a rare hint of emotion in his eyes.

We don't say anything else, but the look that passes between us communicates everything we need to say. He knows I'll do right by Mia.

Jeremy makes everything lighthearted again when he jokes dryly, "Back when I told you to make sure guys kept their paws off her, I suppose I should have specified that went for you too."

I glance down at Mia and place a kiss on her head. "Yeah, there was no way that was going to happen. I tried. I really did, but she's just so—"

Jeremy holds up his hand and makes a face. "I don't need to know all the details, man. In fact, I'm going to head off and leave you two lovebirds alone."

"See you later, man," I call after him as he heads back to his car to give us space.

"So, you couldn't keep your paws off me, huh?" Mia looks up at me teasingly with Trixie in her arms.

"You already know I couldn't," I tell her as I bend to place a kiss on her lips.

A little tongue snakes out to get in between our lips.

"Trixie, ew!” Mia giggles and pushes the little dog's head down while I chuckle. "You jealous little slut," she reprimands her.

I cock an eyebrow at her.

"What?" Mia teases me. 'She is! She's been a shameless slut for you since you moved in next door. All we've done is fight over you from the moment we saw you carrying those heavy boxes into your house."

I laugh at the image Mia paints of her and her little pup in competition for my affections.

"There's plenty of room in my heart for both of my girls," I assure them both as I stroke my hand over Trixie's fur and kiss Mia's sweet lips.

My girls.

My family.
