Page 7 of Paws Off

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Mia's eyes cut to me. She blushes even as she lifts her chin defiantly. "I don't need anyone to look out for me. I can take care of myself."

I remember how adorable she was when she came over to offer me some sugar earlier. If she only knew the kind of sugar I want from her…

I glance at Jeremy. He's the best friend I've ever had. He's like family, so Mia is supposed to be like my sister. I know Jeremy wouldnotbe okay with me wanting to bang his little sister. I think that violates all sorts of bro codes.

"You see anything suspicious, you let me know," Jeremy tells me as if Mia didn't speak.

Mia all but stomps her foot in anger as she hisses at him, "I told you I don't need a bodyguard. I have Trixie."

Jeremy scoffs, "When I told you to get a guard dog, I didn't mean something the size of a peanut."

Mia crosses her arms and rushes to defend her spirited little Pom. "Trixie may be small, but she's ferocious, and she would protect me if someone were trying to hurt me."

She must have heard her name because Trixie comes trotting into the room. She growls at Jeremy, clearly taking her mistress’s side in the matter. She spots me and comes running over, wagging her tail happily like she did earlier. I don't know why this little puppy loves me so much. I bend down to scratch behind her ears, and she promptly flops onto her back, exposing her belly. I chuckle and oblige her with a belly rub.

"Oh, man, you're a sucker for her too," Jeremy groans.

"You're just jealous that Trixie sees through your bullshit and doesn't like you," Mia tells him smugly.

"Whatever." Jeremy shakes his head. "Are we gonna sit here and make out over your little pipsqueak dog all night, or are we going to eat so that Stone and I can hit up the club?"

Mia's eyes widen as she glances at me and quickly looks away.


I have no interest in going to a club and open my mouth to say as much when Mia speaks.

"Seeing as how your old college buddy and I have met, I don't see why it's important we have dinner together to get to know one another. We're next-door neighbors, so I'm sure we'll be seeing plenty of each other. You guys go on to the club. I'll be fine."

She picks up Trixie, and her flip-flops slap against the tile as she heads toward the door.

Jeremy raises an eyebrow at me, pleased with Mia's response. "Works for me. We can get something at the bar, man." He shouts after Mia. "Make sure you eat something tonight, Mia! Something nutritious—not just mac and cheese or pizza."

"Sure thing, Dad!" she calls back sarcastically.

The front door slams behind her, resonating through my entire body with a finality that fills me with dread.It's just my luck that the only girl I've ever wanted happens to be my best bro's little sister.

Fuck me.

What am I going to do?
