Page 71 of No More Hiding

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“We all make mistakes in life, Brent.”

“That’s true. But I’d like to think we can correct them.”

She shook her head. “Not everything can be corrected that a person does.” Before he could ask what that meant, her phone went off. She pulled it out of her pocket. “I’ve got to go. I set an alarm so I wasn’t late for my next appointment.”

“I’m glad you stopped over,” he said.

“Me too,” she said. “You made me feel better in more ways than one.

Vivian had said morethan she’d planned on and had to get out of here fast. She was glad she set the alarm on her phone to make sure she wasn’t late, but in this instance, it saved her from flapping her lips more.

She’d felt vulnerable a lot in life and hated it. She worked hard to not be that way again.

To not be someone that had to rely on others.

Yet, she needed Brent to help her out today.

She was pretty sure her heart was lost to the man that had drama in his life but not like she felt she did.

Which was wrong on her part. They’d both suffered loss, but he was open with his.

He confessed something to her that his own parents didn’t know.

It wasn’t enough for her to do the same though.

She didn’t think she’d ever tell anyone who she used to be.

No, she didn’t do anything wrong other than to be born to her parents.

But it was a burden she carried that she wished she didn’t have to.

She also knew the closer she got to Brent, the more he’d want to know. She had to give just enough to appease him and hoped she did.

“Wow, is it windy out?” Jenna asked when she walked into the shop.

“No, why?”

“Your hair is all over the place. Your makeup is smudged too.”

Cat started to laugh in the back. Damn it, she should have looked in the mirror before she walked in the door.

“No wind,” Cat said. “Unless it’s hurricane Brent?”

Vivian flushed. She knew she did. It didn’t help matters any that Hannah was walking out of the backroom and heard what Cat said, then looked at her. “Oh, you left to get a quickie. Lucky girl.”

Jenna came rushing back. “How do you two know that Vivian did that?”

She shook her head and knew there was no lying. “Only someone who has done it before would know the signs.”

“That’s right, Jenna,” Cat said.

“Dang it. You three have done it all,” Jenna said.

“Hardly that,” Hannah said. “You make us sound old.”

“Well, you’re all older than me. I’ve got so much catching up to do.”

“No,” Vivian said. “Live your life and don’t compare it to others. You’ll be much happier in the end if you do.”
