Page 102 of Merciless

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“It’s time to start something new.”

“And Dealer’s the push toward finally doing that?”

“Yeah, he is.”

“I hope that ends up being true. I can’t have him pulled into your shit.”

“He won’t be.”

“That’s gonna be up to you, because he ain’t gonna be able to see straight with you.” Ax leans forward a little, a growl in his voice as he tells me, “If you can’t be that and do that for him, I’ll make damn sure I do. You feel me?”

That’s a threat, no doubt. But I expect nothing less in the defense of family. “Loud and clear,” I assure him.

“Well, damn,” Cal’s voice comes from the kitchen doorway.

We both turn to see him leaning against it, his arms folded across his chest. He winks at me, then turns his attention to Ax, shaking his head in dismay. “Weren’t you the one who told me to make this last shot with her count?”

If Ax is the least bit surprised by him showing up, he doesn’t show it, not missing a beat as he tells him, “That was before I felt it again.”

“Felt what?” Cal asks.

“The hell of Rox being in danger. Feeling that again, it tears you up inside, it’s fucking brutal when your woman’s life is on the line. And, with Kingmaker as your woman, you’re gonna be feeling that every single day. Plus, I can only protect you one-hundred-percent when you’re here on Thorns territory. You leave that protection and go be with her, in her world, I got way less power to enforce that.”

Cal frowns. “So this attitude coming at me and Char from you is all about you looking out for me?”

“Told you I would, especially when you won’t.”

“I am. That’s exactly what I’m doing now, Ax. With you being on the offensive non-stop since we got here, there ain’t been a window for me to explain it to you.”

Ax smiles at me. “It’s all right, she has.” He sighs resignedly. “Your woman.”

Cal pushes off the wall and makes his way over to us. “Yeah? You mean that?”

Ax gives a nod. “She explained how you’re handling things now and while it is a little crazy, that’s you, ain’t it? So it makes sense with you being who you are. If it’s working for you—if she’s working for you—I’m good with that.”

Cal comes to me and drapes his arm possessively over my shoulder, giving it a squeeze, then brushing his lips over my cheek briefly, letting me know he’s got me. “And the Priest situation?”

Ax scoffs and gets to his feet. “If you think I’m gonna sit back and let you, Spartan, and Cavalno handle it without me after how personal Priest made it, you’re dreaming, Dealer.”

“You’ll be playing right into his hands. He made it personal on purpose,” I tell him. “He thought it would work on Cal, but you reacting the way Priest wants will be just as bad and detrimental.”

“I got a code.” His eyes dart to Cal’s and he says pointedly, “We got a code. Or, we used to? You suddenly changing that up?”

“It ain’t something I’m ever gonna be changingup, Ax. It’s who I am, who we are, always will be. We’re gonna get justice for what Priest did to Roxana, for what he did with kidnapping Char, trying to force my hand, all of it. But we’re gonna do it the right way. We get one good shot at it with the way Priest is. After what happened, us taking out Priest’s guys, it’s got Cavalno working around the clock, manipulating a load of shit, in order to make damn sure that this one shot is still viable. You going off on your own and tracking the asshole down is gonna fuck all over everything. Besides, you shouldn’t be on the frontlines of anything like this right now with a major war coming. You gotta stay here, stay safe and secure, because the club needs you to lead them through all that.”

“I ain’t the kind of leader who sits back and lets others do his dirty work for him.”

“That ain’t what I’m saying, or—”

Ax holds up his hand. “I’ll think on it. For now, I’m gonna call it a night.”


“Just be glad we’re good now.” Ax gestures between Cal and me. “All right? Don’t push it.”

It takes Cal a moment, but he grinds out, “Fine. Get some sleep.”

Ax gives him a chin lift, then tells me, “Good talking with you, sweetheart.”
