Page 30 of Merciless

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“When did she take off?” I ask.

“I been out for a couple of hours. Must’ve taken off right after she knocked me out.”

Two hours? That’s a hell of a long time, a major head start, especially for somebody like her.

“Jesus Christ,” I grunt. “All right. I’ll see to it.”

“What do you need?”

“Nothing. You’ve already done enough. I’m sorry she—”

“You got nothing to apologize for. It’s on her, not you.”

A bitter chuckle escapes me. “Not what we used to say when we were hardcore club.”

“What our women do is on us. I remember. Good thing we ain’t gotta hold to that right now.”

Plus, she ain’t technically mine. Never was. All that was ripped away before it even got the chance to take hold. “Be seeing you, Sin.”

“Make sure that don’t become a lie,” he says soberly.

“Yeah. Yeah, brother,” I murmur.

As soon as I hang up, Ax is there in my space.

“She slipped through Sin’s fingers? My big, bad uncle is losing his touch, huh?”

“Nah, it’s my fault. Told him to play nice. She used it to her advantage. She’s real good at making sure she don’t get backed into a corner. She don’t react well to that kind of thing.” I fight to ignore the ball of anxiety building deep in my gut knowing she’s out there alone with all this, the Gatekeepers on her back, a target. “I thought she’d actually see reason on this, though. Goddammit.”

“We’ll track her,” Ax tells me.

His surprise at my reaction is real blatant.

Even with a death threat hanging over my head, I ain’t shown this kind of emotion. Let’s face it, that’s old hat for me. Been running with an sword over my head for years on end. But when it comes to Charlotte, everything’s different, another level. When it comes to the ones I love.

Dammit all to hell!
