Page 67 of Merciless

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Cristian’s voice, still booming even when he’s using his gentle tone, sounds down the line, the pain and regret in it palpable. I feel the full weight of it, him affecting me as only he can. Being my friend for twenty years, he has that ability. Of course, there’s one other person who can impact me that way. Emotionally. Cal was always able to, even from the moment we first met.

“Don’t acquit me so quickly, tesoro. If it weren’t for me, Priest never would have taken you in an attempt to force your hand.”

“As we both know, people like us with so much influence and power will always be targets of egomaniacal madmen like Matthew Priest. If it wasn’t him, it would be someone else. It has been, so many times over the years. We got through all of that, we’ll get through this.”

I catch Cal’s eye and see him regarding me with intrigue and, if I’m not mistaken, a spark of jealousy. He doesn’t like my closeness with Cristian. Off my glare, he grunts and looks away, chugging back the rest of his scotch, but stubbornly remaining in the armchair adjacent to the couch where I’m at, refusing to grant me any privacy with my call.

I roll my eyes and continue my conversation with Cristian. “You don’t have to worry. Julian King is safe from me, and I’ll make sure he’s safe from the Gatekeepers too.”

“I already had faith in that, Charlotte. In you.”

“He won’t stop.”

“No, he won’t.”

“Are you certain laying low and biding our time here is the best option?”

“Priest plans several moves ahead. He can’t do that if the moves remain unseen. That’s what we’ll accomplish here.”

As much as I hate sitting around doing nothing and twiddling my thumbs, I know he’s right. He’s studied Matthew for years. Having him as an enemy forced him in that direction and he’s successfully evaded every move the bastard has attempted to make against him over the years. “Okay. I trust you.”

“Stay sharp in the meantime. Train. Keep your mind busy. Perhaps try to resolve your lingering issues with Dealer as well.”

“This situation doesn’t leave me much choice.”

“Funny how things work out, isn’t it?”

“You’re enjoying this far too much.”

The amusement in his voice dies down, his tone becoming sober as he tells me, “I want you to experience some happiness. It’s been too long for the both of us. We’re all about the mission and the one after that, and so on. Your opportunity to move beyond that is here. Take it. I know I would if I was given the same chance.”

“I know and I appreciate it.”

“Does that mean you’ll actually take my advice for once?”

“I usually do take your advice. We strategize together all the time.”

“That’s business. I was referring to your personal life.”

Oh. “Well, there’s a first time for everything.”

“Good enough for me. Touch base with me if anything shifts, and I’ll be sure to do the same.”

“Will do. Bye, Cristian.”


I’m smiling as I hang up and toss my phone lightly onto the coffee table in front of me. That smile slips away as I take in the sight of the deep frown etched into Cal’s brow, the tension wracking his body, and the nails of his free hand that’s not busy holding his glass digging into the arm of the chair.

His unfavorable reaction to my call with Cristian immediately gets my back up. I hate being controlled or restricted in any way and his jealously over a call with a friend most definitely falls underneath that umbrella. It’s usually the beginning of a whole lot worse when it comes to overly possessive and protective men like Cal.

“We’re just friends,” I tell him firmly.

“Well aware, sweetheart.”

“You are?”
