Page 107 of Just for Forever

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Chapter 35

A clean desk is a sign of a cluttered desk drawer.


“You certain you want to do this?” Lyric asks as he helps me carry the sofa into the house.

“It’s a bit late for second guessing, don’t you think?”

We set the sofa down and I sweep my hand out to indicate the living room of the house I bought yesterday.

“You can always co-parent with Ellery. You don’t need to buy her a house and marry her,” Rowan says as he comes up behind me.

I growl at the two. “What the hell is this? I love Ellie. She’s having my daughter and we’re getting married. End of discussion.”

Rowan slaps me on the back, and I have to plant my legs to stop from pitching forward at the force. “Just checking.”

“Yeah.” Lyric’s pat on my arm has the power of a punch, but I grit my teeth and hide my reaction. “The way you ran out of town the minute things with Ellery got tough, we needed to make sure.”

“I didn’t run out of town, and you damn well know it.”

I did leave the inn, but only because I needed to concoct a plan to prove to Ellie how serious I am about staying in Winter Falls. To show her I’m not going to run away at the first job offer thrown my way.

I soon realized I didn’t have anywhere to go, though. I couldn’t stay with Lyric without Aspen knowing. Same for Rowan and Ashlyn finding out. I didn’t want her sisters to know I didn’t flee town before Ellery knows. Which left me with one option. My soon-to-be in-laws.

“Don’t mind me,” Mrs. West says as she flutters through the living room toward the stairs. “I’m not listening.”

Her husband grunts as he follows her into the house. “Don’t believe her. She’s always listening.”

“Mr. West.” I nod at the man. “Can I have a word?”

“I hope your word is asking for my daughter’s hand in marriage. Unlike these two ungrateful jackasses, a father prefers to be asked.”

“Liar,” Mrs. West shouts from upstairs.

“I told you. She’s always listening.”

“I’m not ungrateful,” Rowan begins. “But if you’ve met your daughter, you know there was no force on this earth strong enough to keep me from marrying Ashlyn once she decided on a Vegas wedding.”

“You’re going to have to learn to control her or she’s going to run roughshod all over you during your marriage.”

“Daniel West. No one controls our daughters.”

“She could at least pretend she’s not eavesdropping,” he mumbles.

“And I did ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage,” Lyric claims.

Mr. West frowns. “You were sixteen at the time, and I said no.”

Lyric shrugs. “But I asked.”

“Can I have a word in private?” I ask again.

“There’s no need for privacy. You can ask for Ellery’s hand now.”

“Do you have a ring?” Mrs. West shouts down the stairway.

