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“And now,” I went on, kissing him again briefly, “I want to take my pup to bed and fuck him before I go to sleep.”

I felt the shiver pass through Avenel’s whole body. “Alright,” he said with a bashful smile. “I…I cleaned out earlier, just in case. Because you said that the Sons liked to fuck at their meetings, and maybe you would want to fuck me.”

His thoughtfulness and devotion made it hard for me to breathe. “You’re so good,” I told him, stealing another kiss before drawing him over to the bed. Then I changed tone and said, “That’s another thing that made tonight’s meeting so unusual. There wasn’t any fucking. We’re usually far randier than that.”

I threw back the covers of our bed and pulled Avenel between the sheets with me, checking to make sure our jar of ointment was within arm’s reach for when I was ready.

“Why do you do that at meetings?” Avenel asked, genuine curiosity in his voice. “I mean, I understand that it’s pleasurable. I suppose that’s enough, especially when you’re with people you like.”

I hummed in confirmation of his statement and settled him on his back. “It’s that,” I said as I drew his legs apart and pushed them up to open him fully to me. I wasn’t in a huge hurry, though. “When we started the Sons and had our first meetings, only Peter and Neil were in a committed relationship. Most of the rest of us were pups. As pups, we didn’t have a lot of say over who fucked us, and with the exception of Jace, we were almost always bottoms.

“It was a whole other story when we were together, though,” I continued, kissing my way lightly over Avenel’s shoulders, chest, and neck. “It was empowering to be able to choose who we wanted to fuck or be fucked by. It made us feel free to give and take pleasure the way we wanted to. And it made us all very close.”

“That’s beautiful,” Avenel said, more than a little breathless, as he reached up to thread his fingers through my hair.

“I sort of have the impression that all of the leaders of the cities in the Wolf River Kingdom did the same thing,” I went on, shifting down so I could lick and tease Avenel’s nipples between sentences. “They all fucked around when we got together too. And probably for the same reasons of building trust and openness. I’m not completely certain about that. Maldurik never told me outright. But it makes sense.”

Avenel hummed, but I wasn’t sure whether it was in agreement or with pleasure.

That made me smile, even more so when I glanced up to find him with his head tipped back, a smile of arousal on his face. His cock was hard against my belly, and the way he tilted his hips was a clear invitation for me to fuck him.

Which, of course, made me slow down and prop myself above him a bit so I could tease him by controlling his pleasure.

“You made me proud tonight,” I told him, grasping his hands and moving them above his head so that I could hold them there. “You’re such a good pup.”

His breathing sped up, and he opened his eyes to gaze up at me with a look of passionate surrender. “I love being your pup,” he said softly, his face flushing beautifully. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I said, dipping down to slant my mouth over his.

It was an aggressive kiss, but it felt right. I controlled it and him completely, thrusting my tongue into his mouth and taking what I wanted from him. His body was completely pliant under mine, and even though I held his wrists with one hand while using my other arm to balance, I could have left his hands above his head and he wouldn’t have moved them. Physically, mentally, and emotionally, he was completely submissive to me.

I broke our kiss with a shaky breath and inched up to look down at him. His expression was one of utter surrender as well. It made me unbearably hot, made me want to fuck him hard and claim him thoroughly.

But feeling that way still made me nervous, even though it felt right.

Avenel knew my emotions almost better than I did.

“You don’t have to look that way,” he whispered, managing to be both submissive and wise. “Did your friend Peter upset you?”

I frowned a little and shook my head. “No, I just…I understand us with my heart and my body, but sometimes my head still struggles with owning you.”

“Does it help to know I love you owning me?” he asked, almost bashful.

He deserved an honest answer. “It does, but it’s still confusing. I know it isn’t a valid argument, but I didn’t enjoy being owned at all…so sometimes it feels strange that you love it.”

Avenel gently pulled his hands away from where I held him so that he could rest them on the sides of my face for a moment, then brush them down my neck and shoulders so that he could embrace me with his whole body.

“Serving you feels like breathing to me,” he said. “I want it in my mind, my heart, and definitely my body.”

“Even though I control you…and maybe sometimes get a little heavy-handed?” I asked.

Avenel laughed. It was a joyful sound, but it was also the closest he’d ever come to mocking me. “Sebald,” he said, circling one hand behind my neck, “I have been a servant since the day I was born. At best, I’ve been treated with indifference. At worst, I’ve been shouted at and struck without reason.”

I tensed at that admission. The idea that Avenel had been beaten in any way filled me with rage. But he was still relaxed and radiating love, so I kept my anger in check.

“It is in my blood and my bones to serve,” he said. “It’s all I’ve ever known. I have spent my entire life following orders and being praised for a job well done. My greatest moments of pride and happiness have come from doing my duty thoroughly and effectively.”

My eyes went wide. I’d never thought of it that way, but it was true. Avenel’s entire life had been about following other people’s commands.
