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Jace grunted as he unbuttoned his waistcoat, then pulled that and his shirt off over his head in the same motion. As always, I caught my breath a little at the sight of his bare, muscled chest. He just kept getting stronger and more defined with every day that passed. Just the thought of him had me drooling—in more ways than one.

He knew how I felt about him too, and with a smug, arrogant, purely Jace grin, he sauntered over to where I sat and knelt between my knees beside the bed.

“Need some help?” he asked, one eyebrow raised.

I understood what he truly meant and let my leg drop from where I’d just taken off my second boot. I sat where I was, completely open to him, as he unbuttoned my waistcoat and shirt and peeled them off.

Only Jace could undress me with predatory tenderness. His touch was gentle as he took my clothes away, but the heat in his eyes was an inferno. It warmed me inside and out, and when he pushed me back—not so gently, Jace had to get his dominance in somehow—and tugged my trousers off, my cock sprung to life.

I never knew what to expect when Jace wanted to fuck. I was up for anything, though. I always was. That was the excitement of it for me and one of the reasons why we worked so well together.

He stood to toss my trousers aside, then removed his own and his shoes. But instead of prowling over me and forcing me to his will, he paused and just gazed at me. Conflicted emotions flickered over his face, making it hard for me to grasp onto just one to know what he was feeling.

He surprised me when he climbed onto the bed without his usual aggression and pulled back the bedcovers instead of attacking me. He pushed me around to get me into the position he wanted with me on my back, my legs opened for him, and my hands pinned above my head, but then he stopped, just balancing above me.

Finally, a tired smile spread across his face. “You really are beautiful, you know,” he said in a tender purr.

I really wasn’t, but the way Jace looked at me made me feel like it might be possible. “Not as beautiful as you,” I said.

He huffed a laugh, then dipped down to kiss me. In a reverse of how our kisses usually were, he started off hard and aggressive, then pulled back into a tender caress of his lips against mine. Then he stopped entirely, his lips just touching mine.

He muscled himself above me again. “You’re worth it, you know.”

I blinked, unsure what he was talking about.

He swept one hand down my side and around to my groin before tracing his fingers up over my belly and chest to my neck, leaving a trail of shivers in his wake. He leaned down to drag his soft lips across the places he’d touched, making me shiver even more.

Then he balanced above me again and said, “If I had to choose, if someone said I could go back, that I could have my family back, my mother, father, and everyone, but I couldn’t have you anymore, I would tell them to go fuck themselves.”

My eyes went wide, and my heart beat even faster against my ribs.

“You’re worth it,” he repeated, smiling at me with half-lidded eyes filled with desire. “I’d rather have you than them. I’d rather have you than all the riches in the world, all the crowns and swords, more than anything. Just you.”

“And I you,” I said, moved beyond telling.

I reached for him, threading my fingers through his hair and pulling him down to me for another kiss. He came willingly, slanting his mouth over mine and brushing his tongue against the seam of my lips. I opened willingly to him, giving him everything. He gave me so much of himself all the time. Everything I had was his.

His hand roved my body again, but he didn’t seem to be able to decide where he wanted to touch me or how. His kiss turned more feral for a moment, then softened as he took a breath. He kissed my cheek, then my nose, then devoured my mouth again. For a moment, he gripped my hip tightly, then let it go to slide his hand down to my balls. He cupped them for a moment, then pulled his hand away.

Finally, he sighed and rested his forehead against my shoulder, as if in defeat.

“Jace?” I asked, “Is something wrong?”

I knew it wasn’t his cock. He was as hot and hard as iron against the crease of my thigh.

Then he laughed. I was too startled by the reaction to do more than widen my eyes at first but then I smiled along with him.

“What is it?” I asked.

He pushed himself above me again. His face was painted with a beautiful blush that had my asshole twitching for attention.

“I can’t figure out how to fuck you,” he said, laughing as though it were a joke.

“Er, I could think of a few ways,” I said, tilting my hips up to present my hole as best I could in my current position.

“No, not that,” Jace laughed harder. “I can’t decide if I should tie you up or bend you over, or just flip you to your stomach and take you hard. Or maybe I should fashion a toy out of, I don’t know, the candlestick or something?”

I laughed out loud then too. “You know, you could just make love to me,” I said, giving him another cheeky look.
