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Wolf glared at Hudson, and Dex readied himself for a fight. If he had to protect Hudson from his own brother, so be it.

"You know how much I bloody hate that," Wolf growled at Hudson.

Hudson simply growled back. "That's why I did it, you arse!"

Wolf opened his mouth to reply, then closed it. He thrust a finger in Hudson's face. "Well, don't do it again."

"Fine, then stop trying to get into Dex's pants."

Dex covered his face with his hand and groaned. Oh, sweet Jesus. Was this really happening?

"If he lets me in, then whose fault is that?"

"Yeah, that's not happeni

ng," Dex hissed. "Ever."

Wolf's grin was sinful. "I do love a challenge."

"Oh, for crying out loud, Alfie. Were you list--"

Wolf loomed over Hudson, snarling at him. "I told you not to call me that!"

"You think I'm afraid of you?"

Dex had to give Hudson credit. He was calm and collected. No hint of fear in his tone. Was he really not afraid of Wolf, or was he just good at hiding it?

In one swift motion, Wolf took hold of Hudson's jaw. Eyes stone-cold, he squeezed until Hudson flinched. When he next spoke, it was through gritted teeth. "Well, you should be."

Hudson's tone softened. "Alfie...."

"Alfie's dead. I suggest you remember that." Wolf released Hudson and started to leave as Hudson called out after him.

"Please, don't leave me again."

Wolf let out a heavy sigh, his words barely audible but loud enough for Hudson and Dex to hear. "I won't."

With that, he disappeared into the shadows. Dex had so many questions. If anyone could give him the inside scoop on TIN without holding back, it was Wolf. Maybe if he could get the guy to talk rather than just flirt, Dex might be able to learn some useful information. Sloane wouldn't like it, but Dex had to get him to see the bigger picture. It was all starting to seem so real now.


"Hey. Sorry. What were you saying?"

"I asked if you were all right."

Dex threw his arm around Hudson's shoulders. "I'm fine, Dr. Hobbs." The fact that Hudson still blushed when someone called him by his married name made Dex smile. He was adorable. "I think it's time to call it a night. What do you think?" They'd talk about Wolf showing up, but not tonight. Dex was ready to go home to Sloane.

Hudson let out a sigh. He let his head rest against Dex's. "That sounds like a smashing idea."

Other than the guys trying to kill him, the psycho with personal space issues, and the drug dealers, Dex had had an incredible time. He could have done without all the weirdness, but no one could say his bachelor party hadn't been memorable.

Back inside the club, Dex headed for his shirt, his brother following worriedly. "Are you sure, Dex?"

"It's almost four in the morning, Chirpy. I've had an amazing time, but I'm ready for a nice shower, then crawling into bed with Sloane." Providing Sloane didn't send him to the couch for the whole bear incident. There was no way Sloane hadn't heard about it by now.

Cael ran in front of Dex, his big silver eyes wide and glassy. "You promise tonight wasn't ruined?"

"I promise, Chirpy. You and Hudson put together an incredible night. We drank, danced, laughed, had fun. It was perfect." He brought his brother in for a hug. "Darn you and your precious little face. I love you, bro." He kissed the top of Cael's head. "Thank you. Really. Thanks."
