Page 54 of Until Never

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Trent age twenty-two

Ally age eighteen

Andrew shoots me a death glare, and I have no doubt he’s killing me six ways to Sunday in his mind. I shovel a bite of potatoes into my mouth and hold his eyes, refusing to let him intimidate me. The man may be big and could kick my ass, but he won’t touch me because he knows it’ll hurt Ally.

There’s a thump under the table and his narrowed gaze darts to Jase, who’s sitting beside him.

“Quit it,” Jase rumbles quietly, conscious of the other people sitting in the restaurant we’re in.

If we were at home, Andrew wouldn’t just be threatening me with his eyes, he’d be using his words too. Ally and I haven’t told him yet, but he knows what’s coming. He’s had to have known for a while.

When Andrew turns his gaze back to me and picks up his knife like he’s going to cut into the steak on his plate, but we all know that’s not what he’s thinking about slicing into, Ally speaks up.

“Will you stop, Andrew?” she asks, exasperated. “What in the world is wrong with you?”

It’s only when he slides his eyes to Ally that they lose some of their animosity. “I’m not an idiot, Skittles. I know why you and this ass wanted to go out tonight with Jase and me.”

Ally sets her palms flat on the table and leans into it, her eyes squinting in irritation. “First, stop calling Trent an ass. And second, we wanted to go out tonight because it’s my birthday, and I wanted to celebrate it with my three favorite men.”

Andrew snorts.

Ally sits back in her chair, some of her bravado fading. She licks her lips, her eyes darting to me before going back to Andrew.

“We also wanted to share something with you. Trent and I—”

She’s cut off before she can finish her sentence.

“Don’t you dare fucking say what I think you are,” he spews heatedly.

Seeing Ally’s bottom lip tremble and the tears forming in her eyes sets me off. I’ve had enough. Ally and I being together should come as no surprise to him. He had to have known it was an eventuality. Even when I was fighting off my feelings for her, he knew how close we’ve been since the moment we met. For him to sit here and act like an asshole toward her pisses me off, and I’ll be damned if I continue to let him do it. He’s always been good to Ally, except when it comes to the possibility of her and me being together.

“Andrew,” I growl. When he turns his attention to me, I take a deep breath, trying to rein in my growing anger. “I love Ally. I have for a long time. I’d rather cut off my dick than do anything to hurt her. And if you’d stop being an asshole long enough to think about it, you’d know all of that is true. You know the kind of man Mac and Mia raised. Do you really think I’d hurt her in any way?”

“I don’t care,” he states stubbornly. “You’re too old for her.”

“She’s eighteen. She’s an adult now and can make her own decisions.”

His eyes turn hard. “She’s been eighteen for all of six hours. Up until then, I could have had you arrested for statutory rape.”

Ally sucks in a breath and the sound has me balling my hands into fists on the table.

“Jesus, Andrew,” Jase mutters.

As calm as I can, I inform Andrew, “Actually, no, you couldn’t have.” Confusion pulls down his brows, so I decide to enlighten him further. “Not that it’s any of your business, but Ally and I haven’t slept together.”

I keep to myself that we’ve done everything except have sex. I’m trying to defuse the situation, not make it worse.

“I find that hard to believe.”

I hold his stare. “Believe whatever you want.”

“It’s true,” Ally pipes in. “And it wasn’t me who stopped us from having sex.” A blush creeps over her cheeks at her admission. “Had it been up to me, we would have a while ago. It was Trent who said we had to wait until I was eighteen.”

Andrew’s jaw clenches as he continues to look at me. I’m sure his mind is going crazy, looking for other excuses why Ally shouldn’t be with me. I don’t take it personally. Andrew’s always been protective of Ally. It’s one of the things I respect most about him. But no matter what he says, it won’t change anything. I’ve struggled for years over my attraction for her. When I finally accepted it wasn’t going away and only getting stronger, there wasn’t a damn thing anyone could do to keep me from her.
