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You were the first person I trusted. The one person I didn’t push away, and you think I’m as bad as the things you hunt.

Logan took a step toward me.

I flung myself to the side, out of his reach.

Logan was like the others. But his lies hurt the most. It shattered me. I reached for my light one more time. This time the spark grew like wildfire. I fed the power inside me with something from Logan. My light sucked at the energy he radiated, and I poured all of my thoughts into the light. I shared with it the pain of his betrayal.

Logan shook his head. “Charlie?” He held out his palms, blocking the door.

He was nothing like the man I thought he was, and I’d touched him. I’d kissed him. I’d poured my light into him because all I wanted to do was protect him.

Logan inhaled sharply on a ragged breath. “Charlie—” his words paused—a spark of electricity pulsed on my palm, and the room shivered.

The air stilled.

My arms started to burn. I encouraged it. White markings seared down my arms across my fingertips. They set a blaze across my body. The light etched past my skin and into my bones. I inhaled deeply, tasting the ocean.

Summoning my light was easier this time, but it wasn’t just coming from me. It poured from Logan into me.

He held his breath as I fed the light from his strength. Logan didn’t flinch.

My pain peaked, red-hot under my skin. It surged, lacing the air with licks of electricity.

Logan’s shocked gaze searched my body, frozen in place.

The room pulsed. The air vibrated and sang with life, with power.

“Don’t do this,” Logan said through the reverberations coming off of me.

I didn’t recognize his voice. The ground rolled. The light was taking over my body, and I didn’t stop it. A wave of energy burst from me. The door shook on its hinges. I flooded the room with the pain that seeped through the cracks in my mind.

Hurting Logan wasn’t what I intended, but his body trapped me in this room. My light touched my soul for a brief moment. It felt my emotions as I did, and it sealed over my heart. It wanted to protect me from this place, from him. It understood his betrayal, our captivity, and it craved to be free.

Logan was a stranger… and so far away from me now.

Someone pounded at the door.

Logan didn’t turn toward it. He kept his focus on me. The thrashing of fists was joined by shouts. They were going to break down the door. The room was seconds away from being flooded with Logan’s friends.

I broke my stare to look at the door.

Logan dove for me.

He threw his body across the room to tackle me to the floor.

Before his arms could make contact, the room exploded. I released the energy that had been building inside. My fear that the light would overtake me forever was still there, but I pushed it to the background. I might not be able to control it now, but I needed the power of the light more than control.

Logan’s body changed trajectory as a force threw him back into the door with such vigor, his head jerked back, and his body hit the metal door, bending it backwards into the hallway. The window shattered from the pulse of energy.

The men standing by the door were now on their backs. I watched Logan bounce off the door and onto the floor, falling to his hands and knees.

Sliding past his body, I ran toward the door and yanked on the warped metal.

No! Logan. I can’t leave him, if he’s hurt.

The part of me that was Charlie screamed in need to see if he was hurt, to take him with me, despite his lies. The light was too strong. It was too forceful. It commanded me to run.

I stepped over the threshold and tripped over a body lying on the ground. He was dressed in black fatigues and bleeding from both ears. The blood trickled onto the concrete as he faced the ceiling.
