Page 38 of Their Broken Tears

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Fifteen minutes later, Jace comes huffing and puffing into the room and tosses our stuff down, panting, as if he’d run all the way here. “What the hell do you have in those things, woman? They weigh enough to have bodies in them.”

“A little of this, a little of that. Nothing special.” I wave him off and pull the suitcases to my side of the room.

He tosses his one small gym bag down on the bed. “This is how you pack.”

I look from his one little bag to my two suitcases and back again. “Sure, if you want to be unprepared.”

“What do you need to prepare for anyway?” he asks, unconvinced.

“Anything. You never know.”

He shakes his head while muttering something that sounds suspiciously like, ‘Women.’ His internal squabbles crack a satisfied smile to my lips as I continue to unpack.

“What’s on your agenda for this evening?” he inquires, fidgeting with his clothes.

“Nothing tonight. We meet tomorrow morning to tour, then I’m going to meet the team later in the day. After that, I have no idea. You?” Tossing a pair of shoes in the small closet, I turn to him.

He smiles over at me as he tosses his one little bag onto the floor. “Not sure. Still up in the air.”

“Oh,” I say, and look away before he can read the hope in my eyes.

Another tense silence descends upon us. One he’s ready to escape when he grabs a few things and heads towards the bathroom. “I’m going to shower. I didn’t get one before we left.”

Even though his back is to me, I nod. As soon as the door closes, the constriction in my chest loosens, and a gulp of air enters my lungs as tears cloud my vision. To stop them from falling, I scrub the heels of my hands over them, forcing the weakness away.

A growl rips from my throat in frustration. None of these matters. I’ve already decided. Not only did I have to consider Jasmine and Alex but also the fact that I’ll be leaving for college next year while Jace stays behind. And the way he goes through girls, I don’t know if I can trust him enough to maintain a long-distance relationship, even if it is only a couple of hours’ drive to University.

I’m lost in space, staring off at the white walls, when the shower shuts off and the curtain slides open. Visions of a naked Jace, toweling himself dry, are dancing seductively in my mind. A soft gasp escapes as my lashes flutter closed, indulging, droplets dripping down his tone chest and abs before the cotton halts their journey. A journey my tongue aches to trail. Panting breaths are replicas to the pounding pulse tingling my lower half, yearning for relief, and drowning out the rest of the room. Which is exactly why I don’t hear the door open.
