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Embarrassment flooded through me at the thought of the nightmares I’d had recently, and how I was sure I’d been waking her up, but I immediately shoved it down. Bennett and I had been working on not feeling guilty over situations we couldn’t control.

I put on a quick smile, seemingly unaffected by the comment. “Pastry?”

“Yes, please!” she said eagerly, snatching a blueberry muffin off the tray.

Bennett always got me more than I needed. The tray was filled with danishes, bagels, biscuits and every other carb-filled treat, even though I kept telling him the only thing I could stomach were the croissants.

“So, I was thinking,” I said around a mouthful of croissant, “if you and Mendex aren’t doing anything today, we could spend some much needed girl time together.”

Sana finally gave us a day off from our studies, and I was planning on taking advantage of that by relaxing all day.

Amica smiled. “Mendex went with Bennett on some little quest or something, so count me in!”

I always forgot that Mendex was technically Bennett’s royal guard, since he literally never acted like it.

Amica and I lay in bed for hours just because we could. We read some of our favorite books and talked about anything and everything. It was relaxing to just spend some time having fun with my best friend, but it did feel slightly off without Miles.

Amica closed her steamy romance book and sighed, saying, “Okay, Rhia, I’ve put off the topic for long enough.”

She looked dead at me with the most interrogating gaze I’d ever seen.

I raised my eyebrows at her. “What?”

“You know what,” she said, poking my side.

I rolled my eyes. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

I totally knew exactly what she was talking about.

She gave me a stare that showed me she could see through my lie. “Bennett.”

Aaaannddd there it was.

The awkwardness between us was so heavy, we eventually broke out into laughter over my inability to speak like a girl about boys.

I threw my hands up in defense. “I don’t know what to say!”

“Literally anything, Rhia!” She continued to laugh.

“There’s nothing to say,” I attempted, seeing if we could squash the topic right there.

“Right,” she said, unconvinced. “You just sleep together every night and sneak around the castle as if no one knows you aren’t seeing each other.”

“What?! How did you know?” Bennett and I tried our best to keep our friendship private. The only time we allowed ourselves to be seen together in public was the training room. We tried so hard to keep it hidden from Pater, and I worried if he had known all along.

“I’m your best friend, it’s my job to know!” she said matter of fact.

“Who else knows?” I asked seriously.

“Woah, woah, it’s not like it’s a big deal. I’m happy for you guys. Really, I am.”

I asked again more sternly. It may not have been a big deal to her, but it was to me. I couldn’t jeopardize our relationship being noticed by Pater, or anyone else really. “Amica, I’m being serious here, I need to know if anyone knows.”

She grabbed my hand in reassurance. “Okay, in all seriousness I doubt anyone suspects anything. I was honestly just guessing about Bennett, but once I started seeing him coming in and out of your room at night, I had my suspicions.”

My pounding heart slowed as I relaxed a little. “We’re just friends, Amica.”

“Sure you are,” she said in a teasing tone.
