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Bennett bit in quickly, his glare at the man as sharp as knives, “Well if that’s the case, I’m sure you’ll be happy to know that I want whatever my queen wants, and if that is to rescue my brother and her friend, then that is what I will do. You will do as she says without complaint. One more ill word out of your mouth towards Rhiannon and you will be off this court.”

Acies curled his lip. “The people won’t trust her. They didn’t choose her.”

Bennett raised his voice. “You will choose her because I chose her!” His breathing became heavy. “The stars chose her—and so will our people. She is the curse breaker, and you will treat her with more respect.”

Acies backed down and nodded. I couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. I wanted to speak for myself and defend my name, but I didn’t know these people. Bennett could take the lead for now until I learned how each of them responded. Before I could gain their trust, I needed to gain their respect, and I wouldn’t get that by lashing out at them at our first meeting.

Avun cleared his throat. “Moving on.” He gave me a quick smile of encouragement and I relaxed a bit in my seat, knowing the subject had changed.

He continued, saying, “Today, there will be a gathering in the courtyard an hour before sundown. Members of the Vespen Guard have already been delivering the message to our people all morning.” He looked in Bennett and I’s direction. “The two of you will address the crowd from the king’s balcony. This way everyone will be able to see you, and with the rune enchantments, your voice will be heard for kilometers. Bennett will address the people first, explain to them why the borders are down and that the legend has come to fruition. That is when you will introduce Rhiannon as the Regina Victoria.”

His focus then shifted solely to me. “Then you will take over, Rhiannon. Let the people know your plans for the future of this kingdom and how you will support them as their queen. Perhaps you can show them your Golden shadows? Just think of something that would be encouraging to them as you step into new leadership.”

I sat there and blankly stared back at him.

Stars have mercy.

I had, like, three friends my whole life, had never once spoken in front of a crowd, and now I was supposed to give a monumental speech in front of an entire kingdom? The closest I ever got to anything of that sort was the night Miles dared me to sit on the throne during dinner. All I did was sit there, yet I still managed to make a complete fool of myself.

Bennett could sense the tension in my body and leaned in to whisper in my ear, “Don’t worry, I will help you plan what to say beforehand, and if you ever need me to step in, you can just squeeze my hand.” He quickly kissed my cheek before sitting straight in his chair. He moved his hand to my thigh under the table in an act of reassurance.

Everything was just happening so fast, I could hardly keep up. It had only been two days, yet my entire life had changed. I let out a deep breath and nodded to Avun, as I truly had no words to say. I only hoped that wouldn’t be the case this afternoon.

Bennett took a sip of wine from the chalice in front of him. “Let’s move on to building some wards. Since the enchantment hiding the kingdom has broken, we will need to set up a new protection spell to shield us from potential intruders. We haven’t needed to create a protection ward for the past five hundred years, so we are going to need to do some research. Who would like to be in charge of looking through the records in the library?”

The woman who was in charge of the safety department volunteered, as well as a younger man down towards the end of the table.

Bennett nodded. “Good, thank you. When I return from Veladis I would like to have another meeting to discuss the protection runes you have found.”

Avun scooted his chair back and stood, looking at me and Bennett. “It is almost noon, I think it may be wise to postpone the rest of this meeting for later in the week, as your formal introduction will be in just a few short hours. Many of us still need to finish our preparations for the Festival of Color this evening.”

I forgot that this kingdom was always celebrating something. I smiled to myself, a little giddy inside that I now got to be a part of it. I had no idea what a Festival of Color entailed, but I was excited to find out.

Avun asked me directly, “May we be dismissed?”

I heard Acies scoff and saw Bennett glare in his direction.

I found the strength within me to say, “You are all dismissed,” thanking the stars that my voice didn’t falter.

Immediately, everyone around the table stood and began conversation with one another, exiting the room to attend to their other business.

I looked at Bennett. How did I do?

I shouldn’t have spoken for you when Acies said those things, I’m sorry.

There’s no need to apologize.

He grabbed my hand under the table. You did as well as you could’ve for being thrown into this position. You will get more confident as you learn more about this court. He lifted my hand to his mouth, lightly kissing the back of it. I have no doubts you will be the best ruler this kingdom has ever seen.
