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Istared back at my reflection in Bennett’s large bathing chamber. A few Vespen servants helped me change into a flowy white dress that hung off my shoulders. The handmaidens did my hair, winding it into a beautiful bun. A crown made of leaves and flowers was placed upon my head, since I wasn’t allowed to wear the Vespen crown until my official coronation next week.

Sitting here in front of the vanity made my heart ache for Ancilla. These women were very kind, but they just weren’t her. I missed her so much and hoped that she was okay. I made a mental note to check on her when we traveled to Veladis tomorrow. If she was in any danger at all, I would save her and her family. I didn’t care if they didn’t have Artis blood. I would take them back to Vesper, whether the court liked it or not. We had plenty of room in the castle anyway. I owed at least that much to their family—I owed it to Stella.

A knock sounded on the outside of the washroom door, and I could already sense who it was from the bond we shared. One of the handmaidens answered it and immediately began to bow at the waist, murmuring her devotion. The other servants followed suit and I had a strange urge to shove them for the act of adoration.

Bennett wore what I assumed to be a traditional royal suit with a sash that covered his chest. His lip curved up, as if he could tell what I was thinking. He paid no mind to the other women in the room as his eyes traveled over every inch of my body. “How is it that each time I see you, you get more beautiful?”

My eyes found the floor and my cheeks flushed. I didn’t know how I could be confident fighting a group of Red Bones, but as soon as Bennett walked in the room, I felt like I could fall to my knees.

“Are you all finished getting ready?” he asked me.

I nodded.

“Good. You are all dismissed. I require privacy with Rhiannon,” Bennett said to the other women in the washroom.

I caught a couple eye rolls as the ladies disappeared one at a time.

It just then occurred to me that I hadn’t selected any of these women as my handmaidens. As soon as I returned from Veladis, I would personally select a few. I needed to find someone who I could trust, someone I could befriend, and from the looks of the women who just helped me get ready, I doubted it would be one of them.

Bennett slowly walked towards me, kneeling beside my chair.

“Do you remember everything we talked about earlier? About what you’re going to say?”

The nerves made my stomach twist into knots, and my throat was so dry I felt as if I swallowed cotton. I forced a smile and gave him a thumbs up, and he burst into laughter. He fell to his side, grabbing his stomach from the contractions.

I couldn’t help but laugh with him. “It’s not funny, Bennett!” I said, suddenly able to find my voice again.

“You look like you’re a second away from puking everywhere,” he said, wiping tears from his eyes.

I rolled my eyes. “Telling me I look like I’m going to be sick isn’t helping me feel any better.”

He came up to kneel beside me again, resting his hand on my upper thigh. “But I also said you looked beautiful. Doesn’t that count for something?”

I just rolled my eyes at him, even though I forgave him instantly in my head. My stomach felt too queasy to pick a fight with him.

I groaned, putting my head into my hands, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths. Bennett’s hand stroked my thigh in what surely was supposed to be a comforting gesture, but really it just made me more nervous.

“I just have a bad feeling,” I said.

“About your introduction?”

I’d felt off all morning. I couldn’t tell if it was instinctual or if it was simply just an effect from the nerves of my introduction and the events of last night. I shrugged. “Probably.”

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled. “There is nothing to worry about. You’re ready for this.”

I gave him a slight nod. I was ready, but that wasn’t really what I was worried about. I could control what I said, how I said it, and what I wore. But I couldn’t control how the people reacted, if they liked me, or if they would refuse to accept me as one of their own. I let out a long sigh. All I could do was hope for the best.

I brought my face out of my hands and sat up. I turned to the beautiful boy who sat beside me and gently caressed his cheek with my hand, brushing my thumb softly across it. No matter what the response was today, I knew I had Bennett’s full support, and that’s what mattered most to me. I could do this with him at my side, I knew I could.

His hands traveled farther up my dress. “Keep looking at me like that and I may just make us very late to your official introduction.”

Feeling bold, I smirked. “Don’t tempt me.”

His hand gripped my thigh as his eyes traveled down to my lips. He leaned in, kissing me deeply. My hands instinctively found the back of his head where my fingers curled into his hair. He closed his eyes and brought his hand out from under my dress. “As much as I want to stay here with you forever, I want our people to meet their queen even more.” He scooped me up quickly, not even giving me a second to prepare myself. He laughed as he ran out of the room, carrying me in a cradle.

