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I looked back to Bennett, needing reassurance. He nodded to me, a look of disappointment hidden behind his features, surely due to the reaction of the crowd.

I’d only used my Golden shadows once before, and I could’ve sworn I wasn’t even controlling them. It was as if the stars and pure adrenaline took over. I took a deep breath and focused on the magic that hummed in my blood, feeling it flow through my veins. I closed my eyes, calling on the craft, and when my eyes opened, I knew one turned black and the other gold.

I opened and closed my fists, feeling the magic tingle on the tips of my fingers like sparks. Afraid that I could hurt someone, considering I hadn’t had much time to master my new craft, I aimed at the sky.

Golden shadows shot out of my hands and towards the stars above. The power of them shone so bright it was blinding. They swirled around the clouds and over the many villages, almost as if they were taking claim of the kingdom. They were beautiful, honestly, as if they were made from the stars themselves. I eventually reigned them back in, and the bright light that was cast over the sky dimmed as I closed off my craft.

I let out an exhale and smiled, grateful that nothing went wrong and that I was able to keep control over my craft. I looked out to the crowd in anticipation, hoping that I impressed them. However, it wasn’t awe that struck their eyes, but fear. I watched as people slowly backed away or shifted in place. Some held hands over their mouths while others held theirs over the weapons they had strapped on them.

They were afraid of me.

Bennett walked up to my side, joining me at the center of the balcony, placing a hand on my lower back. “Isn’t she absolutely astonishing?” he said, trying to turn the situation around. “The stars have truly blessed her with power that will protect our nation from the threats that are sure to come.”

The people started to nod their heads after hearing their prince, seeming to agree with anything he said.

“But you’re not Vespen,” said a small child towards the front.

My heart cracked a little at the statement.

Bennett stepped in. “She may not have been raised here, but she most certainly is Vespen. She had a fate similar to many of our own that were taken from us, a life that was controlled by King Pater.”

Feeling the need to defend myself, I added, “Believe me, I wish that I had grown up here instead of being neglected in the circus and then thrown into the hands of King Pater. I wish I was raised here, where I could have gone to festivals, instead of being forced to walk burning tightropes. I wish I could have visited the writer’s quarter and pursued a dream of becoming an author, instead of doing whatever the king requested of me at his beck and call.” Anger started to swell in me, and I had to take a few breaths to calm myself down. “However, that wasn’t written in the stars for me, and I’ve learned to accept that. I could be angry at the stars, and wish things were different, dwelling on the past instead of focusing on my future. Or I could grow from the path they set me on and use the experiences I’ve had to change my destiny for the better. I can take what I’ve learned from my life back in Veladis and utilize it to help me be the best leader for Vesper. However, I will need your help to teach me what it means to be Vespen. Show me your culture and your traditions. I want to learn everything I can about the kingdom that I fell in love with from the moment I saw it. Would you do that for me?”

The people stared back at me, and my heart pounded. I poured my all into that pitch and I wasn’t sure there was much else I could do. My shoulders began to slouch a bit as disappointment weighed my body down.

You did all that you could, Bennett said through the connection, trying to provide me with some encouragement as my spirit broke.

As I was about to bid my farewell, the man with the shaved head said, “I will teach you, Regina Victoria.”

My heart skipped a beat at the sentiment. I smiled and nodded at the man, showing my appreciation.

“As will I,” said another, curling his hand into a fist and placing his right arm over his chest, nodding and then lowering onto one knee.

I almost gasped at the outward show of devotion, and my first thought was worrying he would receive backlash from others around him, but I was wrong.

One after another, every man, woman, and child placed a fisted hand over their heart and knelt onto one knee. Each of them devoting to teach me the ways of Vesper and accepting me as one of their own. Tears brimmed in my eyes as I watched the thousands before me.

When I looked to my left to show my excitement to Bennett, I saw him kneeling beside me as well. His head was lowered, but his eyes looked up to meet mine. Pure adoration beamed from him.

He shook his head in disbelief. I’m utterly unworthy.

As I looked at him, then to the thousands with their heads still bowed, I lowered myself to one knee, placing a fisted hand over my heart. A symbol that I pledged my devotion to Vesper, just as they pledged their devotion to me.
