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I walked with my shoulders pulled back, my head held high, and Bennett at my side. A group of Vespen soldiers trailed behind us, as well as Avun. I willed myself to steady my breathing and slow my heart rate as we got closer and closer to the balcony where I would make my introduction. The people were already waiting on the castle grounds for our arrival.

When we finally arrived outside of the balcony doors, Bennett grabbed my hand and turned to me. I’m proud of you.

Confidence radiated from the man who stood beside me. He looked so perfect for this role, as if the stars sketched him to look like a king. I’d never understand why I was chosen for this role. All I could do was learn to accept it.

I squeezed his hand back. “I’m ready. Let’s do this.”

He nodded and signaled for the guards to open the doors. The sunlight caused me to squint, and the sound of cheering filled my ears. I walked onto the balcony, Bennett’s hand never leaving mine, and smiled at the thousands of people below. Many were jumping for joy and dancing around one another.

Bennett had the proudest smile on his face, and he waved with his other hand. I followed suit, smiling and waving at the Vespens. I couldn’t believe that these were my people. I felt so connected to them, to each of them. I wanted to meet them and show them who I was, to learn what they liked and what they didn’t like. What were their traditions and holidays? Was there a national anthem or traditional folk songs? Were they known for their baked bread or maybe their fresh fruit?

I felt proud to be a Vespen, and I felt excited to be home.

“Vespens, it’s good to be home!” Bennett said, his voice projecting far and wide thanks to the runes placed around the balcony.

The people cheered once again, welcoming their prince back with open arms. It truly was spectacular to see the love and admiration they had for Bennett. I’d never seen this kind of reaction toward King Pater back in Veladis. I hoped I could earn that love from them someday.

Bennett continued on, “Although I’m sure word has already spread across the kingdom, The Legend of Golden Shadows has come to fruition!”

Cheering erupted once again, the sound almost deafening. I thought I even heard the sound of trumpets, and as I scanned the crowd, I noticed a whole damn band was set up in the front corner. The Vespens sure knew how to celebrate, that was for sure.

“Long may he reign!” shouted someone in the crowd.

“We always knew it was you!” yelled another.

“All hail the Region Victor!” cheered many voices dispersed throughout the crowd.

My smile slowly curved down as I took in the reality of what was happening.

Oh, my stars. They think Bennett fulfilled the legend, not me.

My throat went dry as I tried to swallow, my hand going limp as Bennett still held on to it.

Bennett cleared his throat. “The stars have chosen someone worthy of this title. Someone strong and determined. I have seen first-hand the power they possess and the passion they use to yield it. However, the stars have not only chosen someone who is fierce and breathtaking, but also someone who is loyal and tenderhearted. Someone who is righteous and just.” He turned to look at me, those navy eyes filling in all the cracks in my heart. “Someone who I couldn’t help but fall in love with.”

My eyes widened in shock at the declaration. That was not part of the speech we practiced earlier. Bennett had just admitted he loved me, and in front of the entire kingdom, no less.

I squeezed his hands as I looked back at the boy who fixed my broken heart. The one who made me believe that the love I read about in books was real. I could still see the little boy who ran to me my last night at the circus. Who saved me from a life of abuse and a life without love. My heart was his from the very first moment I saw him, and it will be his forevermore.

Bennett turned back to the crowd, moving a few steps to the side, letting go of my hand. He gestured his arms at me in a grand presentation. “Introducing for the very first time, Rhiannon, your Regina Victoria.”

The crowd that once erupted with cheers was now whispering worried words. My palms began to sweat as I saw the people stir and witnessed what I was afraid would happen. There were no shouts of joy or songs of praise. If anything, the loudest thing in the crowd was the silence.

I stepped forward, holding my head high. I needed to show strength at this moment. Show them that I could be the leader they needed me to be.

“I know I haven’t had the time to get to know you yet,” I said, scanning the worried faces in the crowd, “but I devote myself to you, and I hope I can prove to you why the stars have chosen me for this role. I’m sure many of you were expecting Bennett to be the Region Victor.Although the stars didn’t choose him for this power, he will still play a big part in running this kingdom. I love him just as deeply as each of you do. He is my Eadem Anima,another one of your legends that have come to fruition. He is my twin flame, my equal in every way, and will be at my side through all of this.”

Stars—I love you so damn much, I heard Bennett say in the back of my mind through the connection.

Murmurs sounded throughout the crowd, and I could hear the hesitation in their voices.

“Eadem Anima? How can she know about that legend if she’s not even from here?”

Another complained in the crowd, “I feel like she’s just saying that to gain our trust.”

“Does she expect us to just believe her?” a large man with a shaved head yelled above the crowd. “If you really are the Regina Victoria,prove it. Show us your powers.”

“Yeah, show us!” shouted more.
